View Full Version : Feeling lost.

13-09-10, 18:58
My name is lily and i have been suffering form panic disorder for two years...I thought i had them under control but the last nine months have been so up and down that i think everything has come to ahead and i am spiraling out of control unable to get out of this black hole i am in..and just haveing panic after panic and i feel like no one understands.. ive had 5 attacks today and i feel a failure and a let down to everyone in my life..I just want to feel like me again but i just feel lost and unable to think logically..i feel like i should be commited with the way i think that it would be better if i was put somewhere so people dont have to put up with me with the way i am...i get so fustrated and i just want a day to come by where there isnt a bad thought or an attack. I just want to feel normal.

13-09-10, 19:56
what have you tried so far in helping your anxiety?

I have had anxiety n panic attacks for years and years ad I find that therapy can really help, positive thinking and being aware of when you "imagine" the bad things and you starting taking the "imagination" as something that really could happen.

I know I get depressed too along with the anxiety, do you think maybe you might a bit down as well?

it will get better but does require a lot of effort and self motivation which can be soooo hard. so that's why therapy can help support you through the hard times.

have you ever talked about your anxiety with your family?

14-09-10, 22:10
Hey there, hope you are ok today, hun. :hugs: As said above, what have you tried in the past? Lets see if we can help with any ideas of our own.

Mine started about a month ago, my life has now changed. Things I am doing.

I am seeing a Counsellor which is really helping, also see my GP regularly and I have been put on Olanzapine...again, helping a lot, though I have had a blip last 24 hours. I know I will still get these horrible blips

Also I write down every day my thoughts and the positive things I have done. I have relaxing music on my Ipod, Rescue Remedy in my bag, and I am about to start Tai Chi and Yoga classes.

Its so horrible going through panic and anxiety, but I tell my family/other half/close friends, how I am feeling as well.

Hope some of that helps. Do keep us posted hun. xxx

paula lynne
14-09-10, 22:14
Hi Lily...good to know you. You must be utterley shattered after 5 panics today..do you use a paper bag to re-breathe? Most people find it really helpful. Maybe lavender oil, of bach rescue remedy. Everyone is different, so if you really feel you cant use these techniques, maybe see your gp. Hope you feel a little better soon,xxx:hugs:

18-04-12, 19:55
Thank you for your replys..it has been nearly two years since i first posted what i was going through.. and reading it back reminds me of how i felt and how bad i was.. it has been a long journey getting to where i am today..and i still have bad moments but i am alot better.. the hardest bit was admitting that i need help because to me i felt that no one could help me because i felt no one understoodand that there was something so wrong with me nothing could be done.. i went to the doctors and they set me up with CBT and antidepressants...i didnt want to take them beacause i didnt think they would do anything but they did, it took time and a few weeks of feeling sick but they helped alot and the CBT was a great way of working out what was wrong with me,all the in's and out's of what your body goes through during panic and how to deal with them and control them..i recommend it to anyone who is suffering with panic..
But as i said i still have off days and find it hard going abroad as i am always on edge buti am 100 times better that i was.