View Full Version : Is there a wrong or right time to return to work??

02-03-06, 11:53

I've been off work now for over a year with anxiety and feel that im no better off than I was a year ago. I've tried various Medications, Herbal remedies, read self help books, CBT even went to the extreme of having my Amalgam Dental fillings removed (Still unsure whether thats made the slightest bit of difference) and quit smoking. I'm desperate to turn my life around and get back to work and have now turned to a faith healer!! (Has anyone else turned to God?, I'll devote my life to him if this works) :) . I hate the fact that I'm claiming benefit and feel like a right bum. I've always earned my way in life. If it was'nt for this dreaded derealization I'm getting I think I'd give it a shot.

When I post on here asking people for information on derealization then they say that it's underlying anxiety causing it. What I find hard to understand there is that the derealization wasnt as bad when taking Cipramil yet my anxiety was twice as bad when taking it. IM CONFUSED!! This is the last post you'll see from me beacuse I hate whingeing!!

02-03-06, 12:32
Please don't make it your last post mate - you post as often as you want/need to. It's not whinging or moaning at all, it's asking for reassurance is what it is.

This is really hard I like the comment Meg once made of work being paid distraction.

With me I know when I have to stop for a bit and calm things down and I know when it's time to have a go. With the first I feel physically and emotionally ill and with the second its more in the way of just simple fear.

If I am at the fear stage then I know its time to have a go - which stage do you feel at???

Do you have an adviser at the job centre that could help you. Is it possible to phase in a job by starting with just a few hours and how would this affect benefits. Could a few hours voluntary work be a possible option.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-03-06, 13:17
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
With me I know when I have to stop for a bit and calm things down and I know when it's time to have a go. With the first I feel physically and emotionally ill and with the second its more in the way of just simple fear.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Piglet,

Thanks for the reply. If you asked me today then I'd say Im physically and emotionally ill. I have had a lot to deal with over the last few months *bitten off more than I can chew I think*.

It's just this derealization. I can see why people say they turn to drink. The only way I can seem to get rid of it is to sleep. The problem then though is that it's still there when I wake up. I feel lost in a world I once knew. As for the job, my employers have been very understanding and they are as flexible as ever so I'm ok there. I could even go in and do an hour a week if I wanted to. It's just the getting there and staying etc. When you feel your in a world your no longer familiar with it's Petrifying! I can literally jump in the car, get to where I'm going and think " Where the hell am I, how did I get here", and I cant stand that, my stomach does summersaults. Im starting to wonder whether it has been induced by the different types of medication I've taken over the last five years.

Thanks again for your advice.

02-03-06, 15:04
Hi Hun,

I know how all this is really getting to you now, but look at what you are able to do now, to what you used to be able to do when we first started talking.

Why not try to pop into work for an hour, see how it feels, its always the worrying about it that is far worse than the actual doing it.

Maybe getting back out there may be what is needed to get rid of the derealization, although I don't know much about it as you know, it might be worth a shot though hun.

Remember, I keep telling you I am always right, so give it a go !!

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-03-06, 16:03
Thankyou Tracey,

I've not long come back from popping out. It's not like im not trying because I am. Just does'nt seem to get any easier. I managed to do a round trip of 30 miles by car obviously and get back in one piece. It's strange because I know exactly where I was going and how to get there but it just all felt like a dream. Even sitting here typing this now feels unreal!!

02-03-06, 16:40
"(Has anyone else turned to God?, I'll devote my life to him if this works)"

I personally think that the big myth of god is a method of brainwashing society, not to mention the root of evil as far as war and terrorism is concerned. I believe in scientific fact and evolution and the fundamental ideaology of buddhism, (treat others as you wish to be treated yourself)

I would never ever critisize anyone for their beliefs, each to their own i always say. Unless you are already big on following religion, i doubt it will help. i think this forum is the best place for finding understanding, advice and common ground where people are nice to each other and there for each other, now to me thats far better than what any religion can do for anyone/has to offer.

try keep your chin up and best of luck

02-03-06, 16:40
I have had that feeling many times.

I have even pinched myself hard (it hurt) this is yet another symptom that gets better when it gets better and isn't helped by being concentrated on.

A good friend of mine used say this when she when she was shopping she always felt in a dream. Try not to worry about it and just keep going through the motions - it will ease off.

Have you ever tried that exercise where you sit in a chair and imagine your feet growing roots that go through the floor deep into the ground and beyond. Also lifting your arms up and wide like the branches of the tree to the sky. Done nice and slowly this exercise can help you feel more grounded.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-03-06, 17:46
Thanks for the replies, Just having a bad day!

02-03-06, 19:44

We all have bad days - and that is what this fantastic site is here for.

We've all been there - feel free to whinge away!

Personally I don't think there is a right answer to the work question. I have a lovely job with some very understanding colleagues. Working on a mental health ward helps a bit too - it keeps my problems in persepctive!! Working is a good distraction and I can honestly say I always feel better at work. But I do realise that not everyone will be able to say the same thing.

All I can say for you - is follow the advice given already and do what feels right for you.


Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

02-03-06, 20:12
hello there,

sorry to hear you having a bad time with things and DR/DP can be a right pain in the arse!!!

you mentioned you went driving and couldnt rember much if anything about the journey and then paniced abit about it.

that got me thinking, before i began to worry and was just completly stressed out with work i use to drive about two hours to work and i kid you not i remember on many occasion thinking about how the hell did i get here as i dont remember a think about my journey........and this happened regulary....suppose the only difference is that the thought didnt worry me......and i think thats the big thing here.....many people dont remember there jorneys and simply dont care about it......i was sooooooo stressed at work i could hardly remember anything about the day when it was done and it all felt like a dream.....but at that time it didnt worry me...think the big thing is when we worry about how we felt..what we did or didnt rememeber....i truly belive that as anxiety sufferes we are no different to all other people on this planet with things like you are experinencing....we just pounder on it and make it worse. almost habit like.

i think the return to work would be a great step to take...but all things in moderation....take thngs easy...no rush....small steps.

good luck.
