View Full Version : am i going insane?

13-09-10, 20:19
i never thought i was this bad until recent

with my obsession of breathing, i keep shouting at my self saying my breathing is okay but i still get scared at every breath 2 days in a row iv been curled on the floor in tears about it i dont even feel like going on

i dont want to end up locked away somewere if i tell my GP

i cant get it into my head my breathing is normal, i know this deep down but it's crossed with thoughts of its not and i get scared


13-09-10, 20:36
Elliot, whatever we focus on or worry about seems to assume massive, quite frightening, proportions. With you, it's your breathing, with me it's swallowing, and with someone else it's something different again. Thats the way our anxieties work...maybe try talking gently to yourself when you can?

Do try to have a word with your GP if you feel able. S/he will be able to suggest ways of coping with your anxiety.


13-09-10, 20:38
hi agnes

do you think about your swallowing alot? it gets me really down i feel like it is beyond my self control

i hope your coping, i hope time will be a healer with me i find i don't think about it when i go out with friend's as i always was normal when i spent time with friends but since i developed this i stopped going out but every time i go out i seem to be okay.. i just don't get it ..

i don't want to be on medication as it will freak me out from the side effects, crazy i know!!

13-09-10, 20:45

You are not insane! If you were, you wouldn't be worrying about it - the ability to question your sanity makes you perfectly sane.

If nothing at the moment is helping, i would definitely recommend medication. Can it really get much worse? How can the side effects (if you get any which you may not) be worse than how you are already feeling?

It's a brave decision, but you should definitely talk to someone about this. You are not alone.

13-09-10, 20:46
go out with friends that is...

13-09-10, 20:47

You are not insane! If you were, you wouldn't be worrying about it - the ability to question your sanity makes you perfectly sane.

If nothing at the moment is helping, i would definitely recommend medication. Can it really get much worse? How can the side effects (if you get any which you may not) be worse than how you are already feeling?

It's a brave decision, but you should definitely talk to someone about this. You are not alone.

hey buddy

you think so? i guess i could try .. i just freak out at things like side effects...

one question.. do they make you feel like crap? like all tired and things as I want to try go to the gym

thanks for the reply.. it does help :yesyes:

13-09-10, 20:50

when my anxiety levels are up, I can hardly think of anything else! But, like you, if I'm distracted with friends or work or whatever, it can often lessen quite a bit...thats because we are not focusing on it constantly.

You can choose whether or not to go on to medication obviously, but see what your GP suggests. There can be side effects initially but the long term effects of meds can be a blessing

13-09-10, 21:10
hey :)

alright I think if i carry on like this I have no choice

thanks for the help

14-09-10, 03:45
ElliotUK hi. agnes is right. people worry about different things with anxiety. at the moment i worry about space and time and how i cant stop myself growing older and i think about the world ending, ive been specially bad this last week. but i went to a doctor today, and felt better for it too. i, like you get freaked out going there but just telling someone and having them reassure you your not mad, but have classic anxiety can be good. it always helps to see someone. i on the waiting list for cbt now. i hope that works...lol..

having a good cry can be helpful.release of tension! just remember your not alone. if your going insane then that means i am too...lol.. so none of us on here are we just having a bad time tis all.

all the best. xx

sweet juicy
14-09-10, 04:58
buddy,you should go to see doctor to see what happened!