View Full Version : Chest pain

13-09-10, 23:03
For several days or even weeks I have been having recurring chest pain. I have GERD but this doesn't feel like heart burn. I have anxiety but this is a new and scarey sensation. I keep telling myself that it doesn't feel any worse when I exercise and it has been here for a long time therefore it isn't a heart attack. Someone please help me out here with your thoughts.


paula lynne
13-09-10, 23:10
Hi, Ive had anxiety for years, and still get new symptoms. Your crafty anxiety is a vile thing and it wants to keep you in its grip but indroducing new symptoms, just when you think youre on top of the other symptoms. If you are still concerned, see your gp, but hopefully this will pass and youll feel much better soon. Nice to meet you :hugs:

13-09-10, 23:20
I hope you are right because this is really fueling my anxiety right now.

paula lynne
13-09-10, 23:28
Of course its bound to fuel your anxiety. Just for tonight, use your anti-anx techniques whatever they are, tabs, paper bag to re-breathe, lavender...whatever. Then tomorrow, ring your gp.

13-09-10, 23:42
Can you describe the pain?

Is it sharp or dull?
Is it worse when you take a deep breath?

Fly away Katie
14-09-10, 13:50
J2, It could be chostochonsritis. (SP?)
I had a sore chest for so long, and finally went to the docs and she diagnosed me.
What it is, is a swollen ribcage (dont worrie, its not serious atall)
It can be brought on from months of OVER BREATHING or coughing (which I was doing due to anxiety)
From what I can remember, its a constant DULL-Ache. Which gets sharper if you breathe deeply.
If you take an anti inflammatory (I was on Neurofen 4 times a day for 6 weeks) It will calm it down.
OR it could just be anxiety making chest pains. Whatever it is, it ISNT serious.
:hugs:x x x x x x

Fly away Katie
14-09-10, 13:52
And even though it feels like it will NEVER go, it WILL :shades: x x x x