View Full Version : Coughing up blood - REEEALLLY freaking out!¬

13-09-10, 23:45
On top of all my health anxiety symptoms, chest pains, short breath, IBS and headaches I have now found blood in my phlegm every time I brush my teeth, I know you will all say it's my gums bleeding but I checked and there's no blood marks on my gums. I then got scared thinking it could be from my lungs so I coughed up some phlegm right from the bottom of my throat and it was blood streaked 3 times. I am so so so so so scared!!!

Any idea of what this could be? Obviously because I get chest pains I am even more scared that it could be linked!!

Please someone help :(

13-09-10, 23:48
firstly, if you are cleaning your teeth and noticing blood, then it is most likely from your gums. Also, its not uncommon to have streaks of blood in your phlegm if you are coughing a lot or with force -ie making yourself cough!

Relax, I am positive that it is nothing to worry about.

paula lynne
13-09-10, 23:49
Maybe a chest infection if its phlegm you are coughing up. Constant coughing can irritate the alveoli in the lungs and cause little blood vessels to burst. However, I recommend you see your gp to rule anything else out and put your mind at rest. Hope you feel better soon. Paula:hugs:

13-09-10, 23:55
thanks for the replies, I always get chest infections every time I get common cold so I know it's not that, my chest sounds fine. they usually give me antibiotics when i get one but last time i had an appointment with a medical student and she prescribed me with a course of prednisolone which is a steroid of some sort, i chose to ignore it becuase of the side effects and just took the antibiotics, this was 7 months ago and have not had anything like this untill now. i'm really scared it's because of this :(

paula lynne
13-09-10, 23:59
If your chest is clear, go to the dentist perhaps? where is the phlegm coming from as you describe, as phlegm is mucus from the chest, it doesnt come from the mouth. Perhaps you could try anti-bacterial mouthwash and see how it goes?

14-09-10, 00:08
Yeah it sounds clear I mean no rough sound coming from it, I am unable to force phlegm up, I think I probably used the wrong word, I basically coughed from my throat (if that makes sense) from the bottom of my throat and spat and saw streaks of blood :(

14-09-10, 10:27
mr blue i had this scare 3 weeks ago when i thought i saw blood in my cough ... i then forced myself to cough 50 times into a tissue and then there was a spec of blood......went to gp and he told me it was the force of coughing so much that caused this....I am now just about over this....sounds like paula lynn knows whats what

14-09-10, 10:38

just wanted to add that everythibg from your sinuses has to go down your throat, but it doesnt just slide down without stopping. It can gather in various place in you throat and cling to the side walls of you esophagus ( spelling lol) just waiting for you to cough it up and think its come from your chest when it hasnt!! Common to have blood streaks in you sinus 'stuff' also blood from your tooth brushing is likely to get mixed in this stuff lining your throat to as it all slides down....yuk !!!

my gums bleed but i dont actually see where its coming from.
