View Full Version : Anyone had a bad headache that woke you up at night?

14-09-10, 00:14
I had a bad headache that woke me up at 2am in the morning. It was at the back of my head at the right side and then on top of my head and then i felt it in my forehead and behind my eye in the whole front area of the face.

It took an hour to get back to sleep. When i woke up again at 8am, my head feels a bit of pressure but no more bad headache.

Anyone else had this? Does it mean tumour, aneurysm or something serious?

I had a brain CT last mth but it was without contrast, will it be accurate?

Can it happen from a sore neck/shoulder or just a normal headache?


14-09-10, 00:21
hi :) if you had a brain CT scan of any kind they are sure to have noticed anything as bad as a brain tumor or aneurysm. it was probably just a bit of a head cold! if it's still there in a few days then obviously go to your GP to be on the safe side but i'm sure it's nothing serious :) take care xx

14-09-10, 09:35
im very scared. i feel very nauseas. the headache is not bad after taking panadol, i feel mainly the pressure now. but im uncomfortable with the nausea and feel horrible. i wont be able to make an appt with a doc in the next 2 days and im very scared. pls help.

14-09-10, 10:13
Could it be a sinus headache? Theyre slightly different from the normal headache and they can wake you up in the night. If you change position the pressure will change and cause pain, which will wake you up.
I get a lot of nausea with sinus headaches.

14-09-10, 10:24
i had hayfever 2 days ago due to gardening(spring now in oz) and a lot of heavy lifting & wheelbarrowing for over 5 hours a day the past 3 days. my body feels very sore all over now. a little white clear mucus if i dry and cough stuff out of my chest and throat is a little bit sore.

could this be sinus?

14-09-10, 10:30

You know i have this excat same thing just now. I think that it might be hormones levels changing and causing a migraine type thing to happen. I have the headache feeling all over my body if that makes sense to you?

i also feel very queazy and my mood has really plummeted. I had this before my period started last month and after it came on I felt totall releif. Could this be the right time for you to have it?

I did read that mid month and end of month can trigger this.


14-09-10, 10:32
sorry also wanted to ask, the waking up thing could be due to changes in blood sugar .....another hormone link that fits with the headache too. Are you more hungary or craving sugar?


14-09-10, 11:01
i dont know when im due cause ive been taking bioidentical estrogen for one cycle then stopped for one cycle then started again 3 days ago.

my whole body feels warm n i feel like im shivering. do you get this to?

14-09-10, 11:04
i dont know when im due cause ive been taking bioidentical estrogen for one cycle then stopped for one cycle then started again 3 days ago.

my whole body feels warm n i feel like im shivering. do you get this to?

You know thats weird becuase the hormone thats supposed to do this is estrogen....... its too much of a coincidence. I just started a new pill as well and its quite a high does of estrogen.

Thats all it is hun, we are fine, im sure. Lets both try and keep our spirits up today beucase it totally helps levelhormones out too!!


14-09-10, 17:11
I woke up with the worst headache of my life a few weeks ago. I have never felt pain like it. The whole side of my head was in agony and everytime I moved it got worse. I haven't had it since and hopefully won't again but I know how awful waking up with ahead ache can be. Hope you feel better soon.

Hazel B
14-09-10, 18:04
I wake up with headaches between 2-4ish, it may be my meds (Propranolol) but could just be that I have had anxiety for a couple of months and your neck and jaw get tense. I have paracetamol and water by the bed in case the pain is bad and also try to drink plenty of water in the day.
I also get an awful headache monthly and get more hot in bed at night with hormones at that time.

14-09-10, 19:08
i get headaches a lot and sometimes they come with nausea and that FREAKS me out coz i feel like thats a dangerous sign. but my logic tells me i am anxious because of the headache so that causes the nausea... from being anxioius. i get dreadful DREADFUL headaches i have no other words to describe the horrible pain. and then IBS comes along...
you're not alone. don;t worry try and relax and rub your shoulders. have a cold shower or something.