View Full Version : serataline side effects and muscle spasms

14-09-10, 10:29
Hello There,
Can any one help me please?
I have been taking serataline for 6 weeks now, not really helping hugely but dr unwilling to up dose as i am breasteeding.
Over the last four of five days I have been getting muscle spasms in my upper arms and upper legs and joint discomfort in my thumbs and toes, that makes want to stretch and flex them all the time.
has any one had this, could it be a side effect of the medication or the anxiety?
Also any idea why I still get the symptoms when I am relaxed? I have periods of being really happy then i get a sensation and my anxiety goes from 0-60 in seconds, I have really had enough at the moment, don’t really want to be me any more as it all seems a bit hopeless;(
Awaiting MRI scan appointment so very stressed as convinced they will find something awful! so really struggling with this spasm thing going on!
Thank you in advance for your help

14-09-10, 10:43
Hello There,
Can any one help me please?
I have been taking serataline for 6 weeks now, not really helping hugely but dr unwilling to up dose as i am breasteeding.
Over the last four of five days I have been getting muscle spasms in my upper arms and upper legs and joint discomfort in my thumbs and toes, that makes want to stretch and flex them all the time.
has any one had this, could it be a side effect of the medication or the anxiety?
Also any idea why I still get the symptoms when I am relaxed? I have periods of being really happy then i get a sensation and my anxiety goes from 0-60 in seconds, I have really had enough at the moment, don’t really want to be me any more as it all seems a bit hopeless;(
Awaiting MRI scan appointment so very stressed as convinced they will find something awful! so really struggling with this spasm thing going on!
Thank you in advance for your help

Hi Smiles. Im on sertraline and I also get what you are describing. I have been taking it for nearly two years!!

I started taking it after my daughter was born as well.

The thing is that the physical sensations cuased by stress and anxiety carry on even when your not 'wound up' when we have high adrenalne any time it alters the levels of a whole loads of other chemicals and hormones in our bodies and it doesnt just stop when the stress does. And in any case you still under a lot of stress waiting for you mri and having a littleone. Can i ask what your MRI is for hun?


14-09-10, 10:43
Sorry its sertraline cant spell either :)

14-09-10, 10:51
Has got to the point i'm not to sure any more!! the symptoms change depending on what my anxiety is focused on or what i have read about (I do not google but sometimes things just sort of jump out at you!) I do however usually think i have MS or some other random awfull debilatating condition that I dont know all the symptoms to, but has no cure type thing!.... weakness down one side, fuzzy head, eye problems, at least the symptoms are changing it gives me hope it is just anxiety!! in my sane moments any way!
how do you cope with the spasms?

14-09-10, 11:09
Distraction is the only thing that works for me. I just literally ignore them!! and they settle down. Ive got it just now and im just ignoring it and getting on with my work...... lol or at least typing this reply :)

After a while they just come and go and it means nothing...no big deal .

You will feel that way to if you done give it any importance. If you check with the dr and its nothing then it really is nothing hun
