View Full Version : Sick with worry - can't cope with this

14-09-10, 10:38
Please help me I am driving myself mad with worry. I went to the breast clinic yesterday to get what they thought might be a cyst drained only it was a solid lump rather than a fluid filled one. Not only that but on the scan that they repeated the oval shape they originally saw had a small "notch" in it. They have taken some cells away for analysis but I don't get the results till next Monday. The consultant has said that the notch has upped the probability of it being something more serious to 2 - 3%. Many years ago in my teens I had 2 fibroadenomas removed and I am hoping that this is the same - the panic sets in though as I am now 47. Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing and how to stop me sweating and feeling sick with anxiety - I don't know how I am going to make it through to next Monday!! Incidentally I had a mammogram and ultrasound 3 years ago and this lump did not show then - it is only 10mm? The lump did not show up on the Mammogram but apparently that is not unusual. :weep:

paula lynne
14-09-10, 12:26
Hi there Im Paula, a new member. I dont have any experience with breasts, except mine are "extreamley lumpy!) and I get lumps depending on the time of the month. How horrid for you that you have to wait now...no-wonder you feel like you do. We tend to catastrophise in these situations, after all, how can we be positive when results are there in black and white. However, you WILL get through to next monday I promise, and you can use lots of techniques to help you reduce your anxiety in the meantime. My thoughts are with you...and let us know what the outcome is. Stay strong.xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

Fly away Katie
14-09-10, 13:37
Awwww honey, I really feel for you. That must be so scary having to wait.. But Keep positive, i'm sure your going to be fine. Theres also a chance it could be nothing atall to worrie about :)
Hang in there sweetie x x x x x x x

14-09-10, 16:13
Thanks for your kind words of support. I am going to try and go home from work now and sleep as didn't sleep last night.