View Full Version : hi, i'm em..

14-09-10, 11:38
have been chekking in and reading posts on this site for around 3 years now.
today i registered (ta daaa)

i'm a single mum, 39, and ive not been the same person since multiple close family and friend deaths and my divorce over the period of 2 yrs... about 6 years ago (hope that makes sense!)

it's funny, up until then i loved and enjoyed life, was able to fulfil my expected responsibilities Ie kids/family friendships/relationships take on other things like school governor, chair of allotment association... volunteer work

but now i find it hard to even keep the house clean and do the shopping.
I'm a survivor, but i want to do so much more than just survive!

i do have some support with services, but i still come home to chaos, or so it feels.

the kids do well at school, i do look after them well, we have regular sleepovers and i make sure they have lots of opportunities to be social.

but what about me?

i'm here because i realise i have become very socially isolated..
mostly because i dont have much to say about my life when i meet up with friends. social isolation is not good for my head.

I even started taking the anti depressants id been offered 5 yes ago, (quite unorthodox for me)
as i think some proper unravelling with a good counsellor is better...
but finding a good one and having the free time is not easy

anyway i'm just hear to listen, be heard and not be alone.

thats me for now.
have a good day :yesyes:

14-09-10, 11:39
Hi embot

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
14-09-10, 11:44
Hi em Im paula, 39. Had agoraphobia and panic for ten years, and like you am isolated because of my illness. Lost my job as a neurosurgical nurse, couldnt keep up with mortgage, lost house, nearly lost hubby too! we moved back to wales from coventry 6 years ago, so lost friends. I understand this isolation is horrid. I hope you find comfort and understanding here, as I have. You arent alone. Much love, Paula :welcome:

17-09-10, 01:56
thankyou for your message,
i'm still trying to work out how to navigate this site now i have registered...

i hope you are finding good things to be greatful for today
(i'm rubbish at spelling)

i find it's helpful to aknowledge the stuff you have no control over and appreciate the things that have been good.. on a day to day basis...
i try to find 5 of each.. and write it in me journal

it seems like basic stuff, but its a good routine to keep
have a good day


17-09-10, 09:19
Hi Em,

Sorry to hear that you've been feeling low. It's understandable that life may have got the better of you considering what you've been through. You can get through it though.

Keeping a journal is a good idea. I also do this when I'm feeling bad as it makes you focus on the good things even if you can't necessarily feel them. It's easy to get blinded by the bad stuff and find yourself overwhelmed.

It sounds like you have a nice home life with your children and are kept busy. Keeping busy can be good as it takes our minds off how we feel but but make sure that you also make some time for you so that you get some relaxation each day (soak in the bath or relaxing with a good book?).

I hope that you feel better soon
