View Full Version : Mouth blisters

14-09-10, 12:01
Does anyone else get blisters in their mouth? I've been poking and prodding about in my mouth for the last week or so because I found a cut in my gum which I got obsessed with - it was just a cut and has healed now but I couldn't stop looking at it and checking! Anyway...yesterday the area close to where I'd been poking about felt like it had got a bit swollen and was painful so I went to the dentist who said I had some blisters which could have been caused by hot drinks or food or by trauma to the area. I then went to a nurse who said it could be a cold sore. ahhhrrhgh I hate this. I know a couple of people have mentioned suffering from mouth blisters on here...do you think it could be stress related? I'm scaring myself silly as usual. Please don't say it's anything scary :(


paula lynne
14-09-10, 12:38
Hi I understand your anxiety. The poking and prodding youve been doing hasnt helped probably!! haha....anyway, try an anti-bacterial mouthwash, and try to keep your finger prodding out of your mouth. Your immune system may need a bit of a boost, so ask at a chemist and Im sure they can recommend the right vits. If you feel its stress related, try and reduce your stress by using the techniques on the panic and anxiety threads on here. Hope you feel better soon! xx:hugs:

14-09-10, 15:23
Thanks Paula :) I've been very anxious for the past 2 months or so so it could be to do with that. Do you think rubbing the area with my tongue constantly (obsessive checking) could have irritated the skin and led to the blisters coming up?


paula lynne
14-09-10, 15:27
Oh definately!! and a sore tongue in the process no doubt...try bonjela..its not just for babies ! x when you feel the tempation to poke, prod, rub, or as soon as you notice youre doing it..STOP and do something else. If its going to heal..you really got to leave it alone hun x try the mouthwash, and for now, eat on the oppasite side of mouth. Hope that helps xx:)

14-09-10, 15:50
Aww thanks :) It's so sore! I went to a nurse yesterday who said she thought it was a cold sore inside my mouth. I have been messing about with that area of my mouth loads recently so I guess I've brought this on myself :( Thank you very much for the advice. I hope it feels better tomorrow.

M xxx

15-09-10, 17:06

I have a question for you :) - I have always suffered from sores in my mouth...since I was a child and all through my teens and early 20s. They were regular mouth ulcer sores and sometimes I used to get big painful ones or lots at the same time. I hardly ever get them now but I do seem to be getting the occassional cold sore inside my mouth instead. Could these things be linked? I mean if you were already suscpetible to regular mouth ulcers could this mean you are then likely to be susceptible to getting cold sores in the mouth after catching the cold sore virus. It seems like my mouth and throat have always been my weak points. I suffered from Tonsilitis a lot as a child and when I went to university I had it twice and in my first year I had a sore throat for a lot of the time! Do you think there is a possibility that I am just prone to mouth and throat problems? I'm really hoping that this is just how I am...and not that there has been something sinister going on with my immune system recently :(

Moonlight Xxx

20-09-10, 13:14
Just an update:

Been to the dentist this morning for my appointment to check on the cold sore/blisters/whatever they are. He said, and I quote, "ah, they've disappeared"! I'm really relieved as you can imagine!!! :) He gave me a scale and polish too and it didn't bleed very much which is great! My mouth is a bit sore now from the scaling...I'm a bit worried that this is going to set my anxiety off again but I'm going to try and be sensible and just have a salt rinse tonight and try not to think about it too much.

So proud of myself for not getting upset at the dentist and for getting through the appointment and managing to control my anxiety a bit better :)


20-09-10, 13:22
That is great news, MoonlightFire.

Don't worry about the post scale soreness. That is normal as the teeth aren't used to having such a deep clean and feel irritated. Mine feel the same afterwards.

Like you say, just have salt rinse or even a chlorhexidine mouthwash (can buy them in the chemist, mouthwash like Corsadyl) and things will be fine.

Each little victory is something you should be proud of.xxxx:winks:

paula lynne
20-09-10, 13:25
Thats BRILLIANT NEWS! now...just keep your little fingers out of your mouth!! hahah xxx well done for braving the dentist, well p:)roud of you. xx

20-09-10, 13:33
Yes, I've learnt my lesson in regards to poking my mouth around with my fingers lol.

Thank you for your messages guys :) I've got some corsodyl at home so might have a go with that tonight if the gums are still a bit irritated.

:) xxx