View Full Version : scared

14-09-10, 15:05
Ive been posting on here for a couple of weeks now with signs and symptoms and have utterely convinced myself i have got something :( :(

anyway i went for FBC last friday and the results have come back today which ive been so scared of and worrying about all weekend thinking they are gonna show up somethign with all these symptoms ive been getting.

So rang up half an hour ago, the receptionist told me my results say that im "not aenemic but they think i have iron deficiency" so i have to go back on friday to have another set done.

i got myself into a panic on the fone so much so the receptionist must have told the nurse who rang me back and explained i asked her whilst crying saying "its not because its showing anything else??" and she said no everything is fine they just want to follow up iron thing

so WHY am i stil worrying and convinced something is wrong!!?? i need slapping :weep: my question is when ive been pregnant, when ive been low in iron ive just been prescribed tablets and thats it, so why do they need to do another one if they think im low in iron?? :huh::huh: or is there diff types of iron deficiency etc????

sorry for going on can someone help and reassure?? thanks xxxx

14-09-10, 15:26
There are a number of causes which can lead to an iron deficiency, so have faith in your doctor and that he or she is doing a thorough job in finding the root cause. They've no doubt done this thousands of times.

Being overly anxious with your health, it's no surprise that you immediately think the worst. This is a natural reaction given your current state and one in which countless numbers of people have experienced, me included. You've got it into your head that just because you've been low in iron during pregnancy and were prescribed tablets, anything other than the same procedure means something is wrong. A number of doctors do things differently and it's absolutely no indication that there is an underlying illness.

If the nurse said everything is fine then you need to believe her. Even if something is wrong, which I doubt, what better place is there to be than in the capable hands of trained health professionals?