View Full Version : Tests I've had, how do I accept the answers?

14-09-10, 15:12

I have so far had:

Full bloods
Lupus test
Thyroid test
WBC check
Urine tests (the 10 test strip)
Diabetes test (blood and sugar)
and today I had an ultra sound

All of those have come back negative. I just don't know how to accept that though. If all of those are not true then it must be anxiety. I just want to accept that and move on but I can't.

Please help with any suggestions.

14-09-10, 15:42
You've convinced yourself that there is something drastically wrong and now that you're in the clear you feel as though you have nothing to hang on to. It's almost as though you would have something to focus on if you actually had an illness.

Firstly you should simply be relieved that your results came back negative. Secondly, once you recognise that there is no physical illness and what you're experiencing is down to anxiety, you have to work out where to go from there. I'm new to these forums and you haven't given any indication in this post as to whether you've received any kind of treatment for anxiety. As I'm sure you're well aware of, there are different routes you can take in dealing with this. You may benefit hugely from talking with a therapist and they can help in getting to the bottom of your problem.

Yes, it can be extremely difficult to accept that there is nothing wrong with you physically and that it's all in your head, however you at least know the reason for your fear; anxiety. If you accept the results then you accept you have anxiety and now must move onto the second step, which is getting help with your problem.

14-09-10, 15:44
What are your physical symptoms?

paula lynne
14-09-10, 15:45
After loads of test...and nothing...it made me mad and upset. I almost WANTED to have a serious illness so I could say "see..Im not mad!) Please accept the results, now the difficult bit its accepting the anxiety etc. Why dont you read the threads on here about panic and anxiety. Hope you feel better soon xx:)

14-09-10, 15:47
And I'll probably add something very similar to Electric Worry. Accepting the tests is one thing, but the most important thing is to accept the anxiety. It's real, but it can be dealt with - which is a whole heap better than finding out that you have an illness that *can't* be dealt with.

I think the next question for your GP is "OK, where do I go from here? - I obviusly have a problem with anxiety, but I need help dealing with it." A decent GP will be able to point you in the right direction.

Hazel B
14-09-10, 15:57
I can relate to you. I had many tests for abdominal pain. I now know (after 5 months!!) that I have a gallstone and a lesion on my liver that is not harmful. The latter pushed me to the limits of my sanity, as it was found by chance and then I had to have more scans to see it properly. In that time, I had convinced myself of the very worst illness, lost over a stone in weight and got anxious. When I say anxious I mean a pulse over 100bpm, not sleeping or eating and fretting constantly about my liver.

Even when I got the all clear and was told that the gallstone would be sorted, I could not calm down and accept I would be OK. It was one of the hardest things I ever did to go to my GP and tell him about my racing pulse but I'm so glad I did as I got help and am now seeing a counsellor as well.

Please accept the medical results and get help with anxiety, it won't be easy but with a good doctor you will get help.

14-09-10, 17:05
I know how hard it is to accept test results and come to terms that infact anxiety is what is causing you all of your symptoms but it really is something that you have to do in order to get better, otherwise you'll end up going to doctor after doctor and having test after test which will all come up the same... negative! And that will drive you insane.

I don't know how exactly you do this. Being educated in anxiety helped me and also CBT, although I'm not 'cured' I'm just managing that bit better.

You should be over the moon with your results! You are completely healthy!
Best of luck :)

14-09-10, 19:22
The symptoms are lower right side abdominal pain and discomfort for the last week. It doesnt seem to go away. Also loads of nerve pain (which I think is down to anxiety). I had to argue with them to get the ultrasound scan, been to a&e 3 times, doctors 5 times etc.

I am now on my 16 CBT session, not really finding it helpful - they decided to go into my past and thats when my anxiety got really bad :(