View Full Version : Getting really worked up....

14-09-10, 15:45
Was asked by gp to ring this week about a prescription so i rang yesterday and was told that she would ring me back today but still no phone call. Do i ring them? So worried that their getting fed up of me, seem to be there all the time recently.


14-09-10, 16:05
Well i gave in and rang. She's got the message to ring me. God i feel like such a pest. Keep imagining the reception staff rolling their eyes as soon as they know its me. Daft i know :weep:

14-09-10, 16:05
Give them a call. They deal with so many people I'm sure that they don't give you a second thought (in the nicest possible way of course :)).

Your health is what's important & it's your right aswell.

Deep breath & pick up the phone - it'll be over before you know it


14-09-10, 16:14
I gave them a ring. Just waiting for her to call back. I know they wont be thinking 'Oh no, not her again' but i cant help thinkin it.Xx

14-09-10, 17:15
I think the same way heaven_Scent- that I am a bother or nuisance to everyone, even though its not true.

14-09-10, 17:20
Its horrible isnt it. They still havent rang, and its making me worry even more now.Xx

14-09-10, 17:25
Perhaps your prescription is already at your pharmacy awaiting you to go and pick it up now?

14-09-10, 17:29
She rang back. Im shaking now. Lol. She's written the prescription and i can pick it up later on this evening. Could slap myself sometimes.Xx

08-08-12, 16:08
I'm just the same darl...every time I ring I think they must be thinking OH NO NOT HER AGAIN but I don't get to see the same doctor twice and after 5 months on Mirtazapine I am still terrible with anxiety and panic attacks during the night. I'm thinking of changing doctors as no one is listening to me when I say this drug is not working for me! Glad you got your prescritption sorted anyhows (;