View Full Version : Waiting for hiv results

14-09-10, 17:14
It's torturing me waiting for my HIV test results to get back... They said it typically takes 2 weeks for the oral swab test results to get back but it's been 18 days since my test and the results still aren't in... I'm really getting scared and prolonging the wait is killing me... When I'm home, I constantly examine my body, looking for any abnormality that could be a sign of HIV and lately it's been ruining my appetite and causing unnecessary stress! Ahhhh! Is it normal for results to take this long?

14-09-10, 17:38
I really could do with a HIV test just to set my mind at ease but I'm too scared to get one, the wait would kill me, you're brave for doing it.

Electric Blue
15-09-10, 01:12
Wow, 2 weeks to get a HIV test back?

I was concerned I stepped on a needle as a child and thought I was at risk. 13 years later I thought I should actually get a test to find out once and for all.
The results were back in 2 days...and were negative.

ally b
15-09-10, 01:16
hi rc fox xx

no news is good news!!!!!!!! im sure you will be fine.
not tht i dont understand what ya probly going through, :bighug1:

15-09-10, 01:26
worrying while waiting won't help you.
your imaging the worst and taking those thoughts as a reality.
when the chances of you not having HIV is probably higher than the chance of you having it.

now if you could put as much effort into imaging the results being negative.....

yeah I suck too at taking my own advice but I find it helpful to see the thoughts for what they are, an imagined scenario which is highly unlikely to actually happen.

personally I hate "not knowing" (what ever it may be) .
after a few days I think your anxiety might calm down, you'll simply forget to worry!

is this just a routine test or did you have a specific reason?

15-09-10, 01:45
First, thanks for the advice. Second, It's not routine, this is my first HIV test. I have always practiced safe sex (except for oral) and the last time I could have been exposed was 9 months ago. I've been meaning to get tested for a long time before that, but was always too afraid. I have always had a fear that a partners condom could have broken without me knowing.

Recently the fear was too much - I got the thought in my head that I have HIV, and "found" spots on my skin and mouth that I presumed to be signs of HIV. The anxiety really was getting to me, to the point of having shortness of breath, so I decided that I want know one way or the other rather than allow my mind to keep torturing me...

The nurse said the results should be here by friday. Until then, I'll try to keep my mind on other things...

17-09-10, 12:39
Hi rcfox,

I'm going for an HIV test next week if I can brave it so I understand how you feel. Have you got your results yet? Let us know how you get on.

I too have been very carfeul sex wise...I ALWAYS insist on condoms!! but I have had 2 spilt in the past and one time an ex boyfriend tried when I was half asleep if you know what I mean...I stopped him straight away when I realised. I have had unprotected oral sex and that is what really worries me. The encounter I really worry about was 8 and a half years ago and I was worried about it before then too so all in all I've worried about it on and off for 10 years.

Feel free to PM me if you need to talk :) xxx

17-09-10, 17:38
I called this morning to check if my results were in and they said yes... I was nervous and shaking the entire way there and then waiting for them to call my name at the doctors office felt like forever. But once the nurse closed the door and before I had time to actually sit down, she told me the results came back negative and apologized for the week long delay in getting back the results. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest!

Moonlight -
Waiting to build up the courage to take the test and then waiting for the results was definitely nerve-racking at times but I tried to keep my mind off it by spending much of my time with friends and just staying active. For me the wait was definitely worth it - I can stop blowing "symptoms" out of proportion and allowing my mind to convince me I have HIV. I encourage you too take the test, just for the sake of knowing, and like mishel said, the chances of you not having HIV is probably higher than the chance of you having it... Hope things go just as well for you!