View Full Version : please can someone help me im panicking bad

14-09-10, 18:21
Hi i am i have been suffering from constant headaches for about 3 months and i am admittedly a hypochondriac. I am basically scared that i have a brain tumor, my headaches are best in the morning and build up throughout the day and subside just before bed. But all i want to know is that my headaches did subside for a few weeks recently before coming back now. Is it possible that i may be serious if they did subside.i am seriously panicking every thing i do i.e. schoolwork feels pointless because i think i will die from a tumor. the constant pain is massivley depressing please someone help me

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/misc/progress.gif http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=705971)

14-09-10, 18:22
Has your doctor evaluated them?

14-09-10, 18:36
yeh he said he dont think its anything serious but you never know

14-09-10, 18:48
oh helpme...if you need to go and call nhs direct or go to A & E if this will ease your mind....i'm sure your gp has assessed you correctly.....it is so not good for you to sit there....speak to somone of the medical profession....they will put your mind at rest xxxxxxx

im sure you will get some really good advice...sorry i cannot be anymore help xxxxx

14-09-10, 18:59
I don't know whether this will be any comfort or not, but one random day during my late teens I found a lump on my head. At the time I was suffering from one of my first bouts of health anxiety and immediately began to think it was a developing tumour. Then over the following days came the really bad headaches and that sealed it for me; I thought I was dying. I finally made an appointment with the doctor and he said it was nothing to worry about. At first I was still sceptical and the headaches remained as it started to become an obsession. Then, for whatever reason, I involved myself in other activities that stopped me constantly thinking about this lump and the headaches disappeared.

So what I'm saying is, the mind has the ability to make us experience sensations that have no physical cause. This is not me telling you that you should ignore your symptoms, but to understand that just because you are suffering from prolonged headaches is not to say it's a tumour. You could be susceptible to migraines or they may be a result of your ongoing stress.

Having said that, there's no shame in seeing another doctor or talking with health specialists to ease your mind.