View Full Version : Knocked Down Again

14-09-10, 18:29
For the past six months it seems like I have been knocked to my knees repeatedly and not recovering. It started with a major diet change that created panic attacks (doctor wanted me on an Adkins diet - bad idea). Then came the magnesium that made me shake and jitter like crazy - made all my symptoms worse and stayed.

Then the stress of my wife's sister becoming critically ill and eventually dying - tweaked my health fears not to mention my wife was totally involved in her care so there was loads of stress.

Finally gave in to my doctors admonitions to try a medication to "take the edge off" Took two tiny doses of Doxepin and now 5 week later still in total hell with symptoms doubled.

Now last night I went into some kind of episode where I felt like I had been given a disabling drug. It came on suddenly and increased all my anxeity symptoms plus added many more. I have had many strange episodes but this was caused by something. We think it was a food reaction to an aged cheese but we don't know....same cheese I have eaten many times. Just a couple of months ago I almost wound up in the ER not breathing after eating Balsamic vinegar - never had a problem with the sulfates until now.

Each one of these insults leaves me sicker than before and my brain seem not to be able to recover from any of them. I am totally disabled now, can hardly take care of basic grooming and feeding. This is frightening.

Anyone else had this.


14-09-10, 19:14
in regards to the cheese, was it the same brand? as sometimes old cheese can have traces of different bacteria in it.
what kind of reaction did you have?

14-09-10, 19:16
Have you tried any therapy? like CBT or talk therapy or exposure therapy as these can help too if you get a good therapist :-)
I think after all the stress your nerves are just tired and your over sensitive to everything so that's why it can be hard to cope.
By reading up on anxiety and knowing it's normal helps, because when you add fear to it, it can be hard to break the cycle.