View Full Version : went to asda!!!!

paula lynne
14-09-10, 22:23
I went to asda today and....DIDNT HAVE A PANIC ATTACK!! have that agoraphobia!! well, the vertigo was horrendous, but I didnt rush and didnt run YIPPPEEEEE:yahoo:

14-09-10, 22:32
YEAH! :yahoo:
Well done Paula Lynne :yesyes:

Now why isn't this in the 'Success Stories' bit :winks:


paula lynne
14-09-10, 22:36
Haha thank you nigel !:) Youre right, I should have posted in success stories, was thinking about "phobia" hahaha. This place and you, all of you have really kicked me up the bottom, wanted to take a chance today, and it paid off. I thank you all for your insirational stories.xxxx:winks:

14-09-10, 22:38
Wow, Paula Lynne, you're a star :yesyes:

Thank you for inspiring us all

14-09-10, 22:41
well done paula Lynne,:D

14-09-10, 23:08
well done x x

paula lynne
14-09-10, 23:16
Ok, I already posted on the phobia thread, but Nigel suggested it should be here, thanks Nigel...I went to asda today (Had agoraphobia and panic attacks for over 10 years). And, this bit is uncomfortable but hear goes...I DIDNT have to drink a bottle of wine first, I DIDNT take co-codamol...I just went with my paper bag. Im not on meds for my anx and agro. I felt really bad vertigo..but stuck it out and didnt run. Ok, it wasnt pleasant, but I didnt panic, pass out, or die! Maybe I will get panic next time, but i didnt THIS time...am pleased to say a lot of it is you guys and your stories and encouragement. I took a chance today. AND IT PAID OFF...who knows, may do big tesco next hahaha!!:yahoo:

14-09-10, 23:40
Well done you

You should feel very proud, and as a fellow agora sufferer don't wait for panic on the next visit because if you wait for it, it will come.

Kick its backside instead, just like you did today.

You must be feeling so proud of yourself and quite rightly so :yahoo:

di xx

14-09-10, 23:44
That’s more like it... :winks:
Today Asda... tomorrow the world :yesyes:


14-09-10, 23:58

paula lynne
15-09-10, 00:11
Thank you guys n gals :blush: I feel all warm n snuggly now...aww shucks :blush:

15-09-10, 00:17

I merged your two posts hun, so you can get all your replies on the one post.

As you so well deserve :D

paula lynne
15-09-10, 00:22
Thank you, still finding my feet....x...xxx

15-09-10, 00:49
Wow, Well done sweetie...

We're all so proud of you...keep on quietly, but resolutely.

Sue x. :flowers:

15-09-10, 01:55
Way to Go !!!

You're the Best !

15-09-10, 05:39
Keep up the good work!

15-09-10, 11:25
Brilliant story Paula, massive congratulations!

Asda had got to be one of the absolute worst with all those high shelves and high ceilings, I used to hate it too.

Don't you be worrying yourself about next time, if you panic you panic but then again, you might not! try not to look into the future too much just deal with each situation as it arises.

Big hugs to you :)

margaret jones
15-09-10, 11:28
Well done go girl xxxxxxxx

paula lynne
15-09-10, 11:36
As Nigel said...today asda TOMORROW..THE WORLD!!!! thanks all xxx:D

Vanilla Sky
15-09-10, 11:38
Well done ! :D

15-09-10, 11:40
paula...that is just fantastic xxxxxx :D:hugs:

Hazel B
15-09-10, 13:27
Well done, that's a great achievement!

paula lynne
15-09-10, 13:30

16-09-10, 18:24
Hi Paula,

Well done you.....you deserve a big pat on the back....keep up the good work!!!


16-09-10, 18:31
So happy for you Paula. I'm agoraphoic myself (getting better thank goodness) and it wasn't that long ago that going into a WalMart here in the States was simply not an option. I couldn't even handle a supermarket without having a panic attack, much less a superstore. Now, I can make it into WalMart and keep it together for a little while before the weird sensations begin to kick in - you should see me sprinting through the store with my list, arranged so carefully based on the layout of the store, grabbing things off the shelves as a I go, then making a dash for either the checkout line with the shortest queue or an empty self-checkout kiosk. Sometimes it is almost a game to see how much I can get done before the anxiety threatens to take over.

You're right - it isn't comfortable and it isn't fun - at least not yet - but it is so rewarding to actually make it all the way through without something terrible happening.

paula lynne
16-09-10, 21:46
Hi Mtatum :):) Thanks for your post x Im like you, its all planned, got my list...those lights are weird thought! And if they re-arrange the store..well!! Confusion, panic..hahah. thanks and nice to meet you x:D

~glowly worm~
17-09-10, 15:06
Hey Mtatum & Paula Lynn!

Welcome to the category of inspirational people :D
* bounces*

*Love* stories like these!!! :D

It shud get less and less scary the more u go & the yuk feelings shud get less as im sure uve been told many times ;)

So please *do* keep us posted, although i dont have agoraphobia i know that it helps so much when other people do what we are currently too afraid of and its the stories such as yours that keep me coming here & have helped me make progress also :)

So thankyou and one big congratulatory high five!!! x


~glowly worm~
17-09-10, 15:08
p.s.. ladybird too :) xxx