View Full Version : Do you get random chest pains?

15-09-10, 09:50
Recently I've been getting these chest pains, they don't last long but thank god they don't because they are terrifying - real deep pain coming from the lower chest which lasts 5-10 seconds at a time.

I've got flu-type symptoms at the moment which is worrying me more, as the actress Brittany Murphy had flu symptoms just before she died of heart failure.

It's hard to know how to cope with this.

Do you get random chest pains too?

15-09-10, 10:10
I read Brittany Murphy had pnumonia (spelling?) that caused her flu like symptoms not her heart failure, she was on a lot of different prescription drugs, they even ruled her death as accidental. If it was just a heart failiure they wouldnt rule it as accidental so please don't worry!

Sounds to me like you could have a chest infection coming on or jus a virus thats making you stress so your chest is hurting. I used to get a lot of chest infections as a kid cuz I had very bad asthma and it really does hurt your chest! Pop and see the doctor he'll be able to reassure you a lot more than I can cuz I can't diagnose you or tell you exactly what's wrong with you. If you do have a cold or a virus coming on he can cure it and you'll be feeling a lot better.

I get random chest pains all the time they freak me out a lot too but it's best to try not to think about them (easier said than done I know ;( )as I'm pretty sure I must have had chest pains before my anx and just ignored them! I usually get in a hot bath when I have them as it seems to calm them down. Chest pains are very scary so I really hope they clear up soon and you feel better. Take care xxx

15-09-10, 10:34
hiya i get them too usually they set off an panic attack for me so i had an ecg to prove there was nothing wrong with my heart , maybe you cud talk to ur gp and ask if he could give u a full medical examination to rule any problems out and then u will know its down to anxiety and not your heart

hope this helps x

15-09-10, 10:58
I've had a load of heart tests already, they say my heart is fine except for daily pvcs and pacs.

15-09-10, 11:41
I have had chest pains too... last night as it happens, didnt get any sleep until 5.00 a.m. this morning. I know its not my heart... I got rushed into hospital by ambulance in April this year, with "suspected heart attack"... all the usual tests including Angina Spray which helped a bit (so that was worrying) and oxygen which helped a lot and after the results it was nothing to worry about.... they put my mind at rest saying that it is better to be safe than sorry so I didnt feel a fraud sitting in the A & E. The diagnosis was muscle spasms, costachondritus, which could be an infection in the breast bone, I had always assumed I had fybromyalgia what with all the "electric shocks" pains around my body I had for over a year and took pain killers for -so associated it with that. Anyway, after an big panic attack at the end of May I was marched off to the docs by my husband and after blood tests which came back negative she diagnosed me with depression and panic attacks which I didnt want to admit to... Now I am on anti depressants and the pains miraculously disappeared with a few days and I do feel able to cope a bit more... the anxiety pains in my chest and stomach dont go away but at least I know I am not having a heart attack and I dont feel like I am dying. Hope that helps, it could just be anxiety and your muscles are reacting to it like mine were.

15-09-10, 13:24
Hi, I get random chest pains every single day, they aren't related to my panic attacks whatsoever I just get them, the doctor said I'm totally healthy and anxiety is causing it.
I have tried my hardest to ignore the chest pains and becuase of this I get them a lot less and when I do get them they last seconds and are not very painful. x

15-09-10, 13:26
ALSO, Brittany Murphy had pnumonia and was anemic. She also was found intoxicated with a lot of drugs

15-09-10, 22:29
I get random chest pains almost every day! I have no idea what causes them but I've been told it's 100% not my heart. Anxiety can cause chest pain from tensing and over breathing.

BTW Brittany Murphy died from pnumonia and she was severly anemic, a combination of these things plus the amount of perscription drugs she had in her system caused her heart to fail.

16-09-10, 13:01
Hi, worrying can cause tension around the neck & shoulders,which can lead to pains in all sort of unlikely places, see http://www.round-earth.com/HeadPainIntro.html, have a good read it seems to make sense. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 17:14
Hello Skippy, I had really bad chest pain last night. Twas horrible and hurt so much everytime I breathed (even if I breathed in a teeny bit) youll be okies. Your not alone x x x x x

16-09-10, 19:28
i get chest pains everyday and my doc has diagnosed me with costochondritis look it up its very painful but harmless xxx

17-09-10, 01:32
Hi-I get chest pains practically everyday,sometimes for a few minutes sometimes for hours-i had every test imaginable so i know its not heart related but its still not nice,my nurse told me not to stop badgering my gp but he keeps putting it down to anxiety but i disagree but hey im not a gp. your not alone though this seems to be very common so try and relax and like ktloubish said have a chat with your doc about an ecg just to put your mind at ease