View Full Version : lost in a loop of fear

15-09-10, 10:43
im thinking right now that there is no way im gunna get out of this never ending cycle of fear, im continuously thinking about having a panic attack so there fore i keep bringing them on!!!! how do i get out???? ive had enough im sick of having 2 dope up on diazepam!!!
any help guys n gals???

kt x:shrug:

paula lynne
15-09-10, 10:59
Hi KT, you know its a cycle, good. 6 years ago I was drinking a bottle of vodka a day and taking diazepam and still wouldnt go out and panics were severe and every day. I weaned myself off valiun, cut down on the drink, and began sitting in the garden. Read up about our behaviour in the "cycle", and you CAN break it. Im now druk free and my panic is much less. I carried that last half of diazepam in my purse for about 2 years-"just in case"....Please get some literature or listen to tapes...Susan Jeffers FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY is the one I used. Ok, so going through withdrawal was unpleasant, but Ive now got some quality of life, and it a hell of a lot better than the state I was in before. All doctors know diazepam should only be prescribed for 6-8 weeks max, so if you are on them constantly, your gp is doing you no favours. Please see your gp, and work out if you need a different med, and you can do your own "reduce diazepam" chart. YOU CAN COPE WITHOUT THEM I PROMISE. Let me know how you get on, and feel free to PM me anytime, Im here every day. Good luck, much love...Paula x:hugs:

15-09-10, 13:35
thank you paula xxx

15-09-10, 13:46
i know exactly how you feel as i was like this a long time ago and again for the last 4 months but it does disappear - mine did for 3 years and i honestly never noticed them disappearing until they came back

i also carried diazapem around as a comforter but unfortunately am now back on them again

15-09-10, 14:06
Hi KT,

I’m sorry you’re having a hard time with this at the moment. But the thing to do with these seemingly ‘never ending cycles’ is to try and find a weak link somewhere.

One thing that fuels panic and anxiety is ‘fear’ but when a person really understands something it never feels so scary. What’s that old saying – ‘Knowledge is Power’. So wise Paula’s idea of learning everything you can about it is a good one, I think :)

Take care,

15-09-10, 16:37
its great to know ur all there for me and have similar experiences
thank u so much x