View Full Version : i know i am doing this to myself....

15-09-10, 11:05
i feel such a failure....i know i am doing this to myself...but i cannot switch my train of thought....and it is sending me crazy.

does anyone out there feel like this...i just wish i could be me....how i was....why am i doing this to myself...obsessing over everything...and it just goes around and around around and around.

been on cits for 9 weeks had two increases and still my mind is on "ocd" mode.

i am going to see my gp today!

thank you everyone for all the support i am receiving...i know i am such a pain at the moment....please please please please if you can stay with me xxxxxxxx

Hazel B
15-09-10, 11:10
I hope the appointment with your GP goes well, make a list if it helps write it down.
We all have good and bad days, sending lots of support.

paula lynne
15-09-10, 11:16
Sending you love, hugs, and positive vibes...all the best with your gp. x:hugs:

15-09-10, 11:20
thank you oh so much for your replies...i just dont know wot to do re: meds.

do i go for fluroxotine....as i know this helps ocd tendencies of the mind but then i have been suggested to try sertraline....i just dont know xxxxx

paula lynne
15-09-10, 11:40
Hi Calm..x I guees if its ocd that the most troublsome at the mo, you have to trust that your gp will put you on the med that is likely to be the most effective for that. Im sure once you start them, and the 4-6wk period of adjustment is done, you will feel so much better in yourself. Please keep going. Never loose hope xx:hugs:

15-09-10, 11:42
thank you so much paula....i do hope so xxxxx no i will try and not loose hope xxxx with all you guys on here how can i.....you are all my lifeline at the moment...thank you one and all xxxx

Hazel B
15-09-10, 13:21
Sweetheart, take the doctor's advice on meds, they're the experts and know you. You are not a failure, you are on a recovery road.
Let us know how you get on.

15-09-10, 13:24
hazel....i have to see a different doctor today...and that scares me oh so much...but he will have my medical notes...yes i will...thank you all xxxxxx

15-09-10, 16:02
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii been to the docs and have been taken off cits...i see this as a positive as i was going no-where no let up at all.

i am now on fluoxetine for the ocd of my mind, high anxiety and panic attacks.....you know wot i am not going to read up on all the horror stories i am going to keep away from them....i am feeling more confident ....and this is going to work!!!!!!!! positive thinking!

i know i will have bad days...and i know i will get positive support and help...isnt that wonderful xxxxxxxx

i didnt take a cit today so i have just taken my new drug...onwards and upwards....IM GOING TO GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lots of love my dear dear friends xxxxxx

paula lynne
15-09-10, 16:14
Hi hun thats BRILLIANT! you are already sounding more upbeat and positive! ok, so new meds...you know the drill, its going to take a little while to kick in, hang in there. Dont read the little leaflet in the box..throw it away right now. Im so happy that you are happy. Enuff said!:D

Hazel B
15-09-10, 16:29
Good news, I wish you the best and hope the new stuff works.
Please do not look up anything to do with the new ones online, I have STOPPED looking up side -efefcts etc now as I think it makes me worse.
Take care. x

15-09-10, 16:36
you are oh so right...and i am not going to look at anything negative on this drug..it does not help....it just scares me.

i know i will need support and help and im going 2 get it from here xxxxx

thank u so much hazel xxxxx

15-09-10, 18:00
Best of luck with the fluoxetine Tracey - it's been great for me. Try to keep up your positive attitude about it, I'm sure it helps. The first time I was on it I had next to no side effects - second time it was a little trickier but very, very worth it. I think you mentioned cbt on another thread - what's happening with that? xx

15-09-10, 19:07
jane wot a lovely positive message xxxx and i am going to be totally positive about the transfer over to this drug xxxx

re: cbt....the letter has been sent by my doctor - she did say that it shouldnt be a long wait...so fingers x

thank you xxxxx