View Full Version : Angie's adventure

15-09-10, 11:22
Hi all. :)

I was debating whether or not to put a post on here but decided to, just in case it helps anyone else who suffers from PA's or Agoraphobia.
I am not setting myself goals any more, a very personal decision, but I have decided that to set goals means I am in a constant battle with something..I don't want to give the PA's or Agora any of my attention any more. Well..not too much anyway..:winks:

Yesterday I went with my two daughters to the Science Museum in London (I live in London) a very large, noisy, crowded scary building full of glass. Last time I was there, about 10 years ago, I had a massive PA which terrified me so much I was sure I wouldn't go back.

I did go, was nervous but then to be nervous is normal when you have had a bad experience before! The streets surrounding the museum also used to freak me out, big wide streets with loads of traffic and tourists :ohmy:

Well, it was good. I looked at exhibits, didn't try to rush cos I was enjoying looking at the exhibits, had a PA on the first floor (glass balcony looking straight down to the floor below, sweated, shook a lot, went out side the gallery to sit down and gather my thoughts for 30 seconds then went back in again.
I knew that the time to strike back is when I had escaped the scary situation which is why I went back in..it takes the power of the PA away!
Yep I still shook a bit and sweated like I had run a marathon but what the heck..next time I go will have the memory of being a bit nervous but brushing it aside.

We then went on to the Natural History museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum..all in all we were there from 10:30min the morning until 5 in the afternoon, we then had to get 3 buses to get home.

My feet were killing me but that is part of a normal day out! :D

I am slowly reclaiming my life back, please never lose hope that you can do the same. :hugs:

margaret jones
15-09-10, 11:25
wow ladybird well done xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-09-10, 11:31
Fantastic ladybird. Well done that's amazing x

paula lynne
15-09-10, 11:33
Angies adventure is a success story!! thank you for posting it, I too am not fighting it, how can you fight something you cant see. Im just "doing it". Had a personal success of my own yesterday going to asda, and your post has just re-enforced my determination to..keep calm, keep going, and just "do it"...Thank you, what a triumph on your part. Very well done x:yahoo:

Kerry B
15-09-10, 11:35
Well done great achievement, you should be proud of yourself x

Vanilla Sky
15-09-10, 11:37
Graet to hear Angie , thats wonderful . It is a constant battle but there will come a time when you won't be anymore , it will become part of every day living.
Your winning !!
Love Paige xxx

15-09-10, 21:01
Well Done on your trip Angie. :)
Especially on returning to a place that held a bad memory.
I recently went on a solo shopping trip to a large shopping centre. Like you not a goal I just wanted to go. It had gone so well that I decided to up my game and sat and had a drink in a busy food court, something that I hadn't done in an age.

JFDI (in this case "just flippin drink it").

Not easy but done & it all goes in the success pot. :)
I really like the ideas in the thread you recomended and am working through it (thank you) but most of all congradulations on having had a nice day out. :)

15-09-10, 21:07

well done you, bet you are feeling so good that you did it.

Thanks for posting it gives hope to others :hugs:

di xx