View Full Version : Now my health anxiety is telling me I have a brain tumor :@

15-09-10, 13:30
Now my anxiety has moved away from cancer, heart disease, and any other terminal illness and convinced me I have a brain tumor:

For the past 3-4 weeks I've been having trouble with my eyes, they are all veiny and kinda bloodshot, especially when I wake up, they hurt whenever I look up with them and I often get headaches every day because of this around the front of my head above my eyes and on the top, it's not like a regular headache I mean there's no unbearable pain to go and get a paracetamol or something but I hate having them as it ruins my concentration!

I'm constantly at a computer, it's what I do at college day in day out and at home I do work on top of it on a laptop AND play games and what have you, so I'm at a computer virtually till I go to bed.

I ALSO suffer from anxiety which is affecting my sleep at the moment, I go to bed absolutely knackered and wake up very early in the morning no matter which time I go to bed and have to force myself back to sleep.

The main thing that has made me think it's a tumor is that my neck is stiff when I get up and not right throughout the day, and I can not touch my chest with my chin unless I open my mouth, this has scared me.

It's been bugging me for a few weeks or so so any suggestions?

OH and I've had 2 nosebleeds over the past 2 days which NEVER happens to me. I am 18 years old

paula lynne
15-09-10, 13:45
Hi mrblue....firstly, can I suggest an opticians appointment? No wonder your neck is stiff and your eyes are bloodshot if you spend most of your time staring at a laptop screen. You know the routine with anxiety..and now its a brain tumour. Except its not. Its your anxiety. Please see your gp for reassurance, but if you follow my advice, reduce the time on the web, Im sure you will feel better in no time. Obviously, its just my opinion. x:)

15-09-10, 13:48
Well yea, if you're at a comp that long your eyes will start to hurt! Mine do, I get carried away on games and before I know it a good few hours has gone past and I end up with a massive headache and eye strain cuz of all the rapid eye movement you do whilst on a comp. Your neck being stiff could be tension, especially if you're sat in the same position on a comp for ages. The left side of my neck is way harder than the other side cuz of tension.

As for the nose bleeds, it COULD be beacuse you're stressing yourself. I had a panic attack that was so bad once my blood pressure shot through the roof and gave me a massive nosebleed. I'm not too sure about that one though as I'm no expert. xx

15-09-10, 13:52
Thanks for replies, I actually have an eye exam tomorrow morning, hopefully they can diagnose something, feeling really panicky right now, shaking and my heart beat is fast so I hope they help!

15-09-10, 13:53
It'll be fine darlin, calm down take some deep breaths and get some water. Try push it back of your mind for now you're gonna be ok! It probably is just eye strain and maybe you need glasses! xx

15-09-10, 13:57
Thanks pokerface :) I really hope it's only that, the thing that is scaring me is the nose bleeds

15-09-10, 14:02
It's probably just stress playin havoc with ur blood pressure at the moment, I've had one too. Try not to dwell too much on the worst case scenario it'll all be fine. xx

15-09-10, 14:06
thanks, well i had my blood pressure checked yesterday and it was fine the nurse said so it's a little worrying, i've calmed down a bit now, going to go on a long walk try and clear my head xx

paula lynne
15-09-10, 14:19
well done, enjoy your walk x:D

15-09-10, 15:08
I used to get really bad nosebleeds when I was younger but as I got older they got less frequent (I stopped picking at my nose so much aswel, disgusting I know, my nose is pretty sensitive and I know if I knock it it'll probably bleed again but I guess my nose is just sensitive).
My eyes are always red and blood shot and have been for quite some time, does anybody know what can cause red/blood shot eyes? I remember when I had a really bad stomach (which I went to the emergency doctor about, he prodded and checked my urine, blood pressure and all that and concluded that it was anxiety, I went back the next day cos I wasn't any better and I felt burning and ill and they said anxiety again) I asked the doctor if my eyes were yellow because I thought I was jaundice, now I think they're red, I just always get images of how I imagine really physically ill people to look and I think I look like one with my red eyes and pale skin..

16-09-10, 10:08
Turns out I just needed a simple set of reading glasses, stupid anxiety ey?

16-09-10, 10:26
Lol! Told you would be okayy. Glad you're feelin better now. x

16-09-10, 12:57
Hi try to get some time off the computer even if for only a few mins each hour, and note to self to blink rapidly every half hour, found that this helped with the eyes. http://www.round-earth.com/HeadPainIntro.html this website is very informative about head pains, and found it very helpful.Good luck with the exam, and hope you feel better soon.