View Full Version : Cold sores

15-09-10, 13:45
I had a sore place at the side of the roof of my mouth a couple of days ago so went to see a nurse at the walk in clinic down the road. She says I have cold sores inside my mouth :( Does anyone else suffer from this? Apparently you can get cold sores in a few different places and anywhere in or around your mouth. Eversince my anxiety got worse I've been having problems with my mouth :(

I used to suffer terribly from regular mouth ulcers when I was a child and in my teens and early 20s. In the last 5 or 6 years they have dramatically improved and I only seem to get them every 6 months or so...and then I only get one or two at the most. It's so wierd...now when I am under stress I seem to get these cold sore things instead! It's like the ulcers and the cold sores are in a relay race and it's the cold sores' turn!!

Moonlight X

15-09-10, 14:36
i have never had cold sore inside the mouth but since my anxiety has been worse theres one in the corner of my lip which always pops out to say hello when i am at my worst :(
anxiety kills my mouth though, i have an ulcer ALL the time, they keep popping up and of course, its mouth cancer and its just so sore all the time i want to cry!! its horrible isnt it:(

17-09-10, 09:40
Yes, it's a real pain. Anything wrong with my mouth immediately sends my anxiety into overdrive :( I've been panicking almost constantly for the last few days and am constantly in tears. I just want these sores to go away. At least they're slightly less painful now. Ahhhrrrghhhhh!

Moonlight x

paula lynne
17-09-10, 09:46
Just sent you a PM x:)