View Full Version : New and not sure how much more i can take!

15-09-10, 16:49
Hey everyone, im new to this site so please bare with me!

Ok ive been suffering with anxiety for 2wks non stop now (have had perivous expeience but nothing like this) It started because i had a problem with my face and since then i have worried about every little thing from headaches to tingling which i know are all ssymptoms of anxiety! Im not worried abot these no more the only thing i seem to be worrying about is the actual worrying if that makes sense!

I have this constant feeling my throat is closing or like it has a lump in it, (has anyone had this!) it got so bad monday i went to a&e to make sure is no lump!

Ive been perscribed by gp Diazepam which ive started and am taking 2mg 3time a day tho dnt really want to as dnt want to get addicted!

I just wish this feeling in my throat would go, its all it hink about and is taking over my life and i have 2 young children and i dnt want them affected!

Ive heard cbt is meant to help but how do i get that?

Thanks for reading Toni!

15-09-10, 16:58
Hi Toni, sorry to hear your feeling so bad, your GP should be able to refer you for CBT. Take care Julie :)

15-09-10, 17:04
click on this link hun and read some of the posts, it will no doubt be the same symptoms.


di xx

15-09-10, 17:27
if you only recently started getting anxiety then it can be over come much easier which is the good news :-)
as it hasn't become a habit yet!
yes CBT could very well help, go to your GP for a list of therapists.

paula lynne
15-09-10, 17:31
Hiya, welcome..read the posts. In a way you are in a very dominant position with anxiety, you can nip it in the bud so to speak. All the things you feel are anxiety playing with you, you are not going to die...please read the headings on the left column it will help you...you are not going mad and you are not alone xxx:hugs:

15-09-10, 18:11
Thank u so much everyone, i am seeing gp fri so will get list of cbt therapist, has made me feel a bit better you saying it can be nipped in bud early! im now trying to tell myself im ok and it will pass which is seeming to help as i had planned to take my diazepam at 5 but its now 6.11pm :)