View Full Version : Women only - cyst?

15-09-10, 18:06

I have suffered with 4 bartholin's cysts over the last 5 years (3 in the last 2 years!). Recently, I discovered another small lump in the vulva region. The doctor said it was a sebaceous cyst and to leave it alone. It has probably come about from all the scaring from previous cysts and having 3 children.

Now it is getting irritated and achey. I know I have to trust my doctor but I keep thinking of cancer (which is very rare as it is let alone someone of my age!!). Sometimes, I can reason with myself and sometimes I get myself in a real state.

Has anyone ever had anything similar and can reassure me?

15-09-10, 20:04

I get lots of these small lumps and they can get very sore but they usually go in a week or so.
I find that if I get a very hot flannal and hold it on them it will help and they go down.

Don't worry to much about them.


15-09-10, 20:21
Awwww Jo, :hugs:I sooooo know how you feel. I have had 4 bartholins cysts had the all removed surgically. Sebacious cysts too and they all seem to come back just when I think I am over them all. I have tried to work out why I get them, the doc says people who suffer from them are prone to recurrences often and there is no real reason for getting them. (That doesnt help much does it!:wacko:)
I have thought of diet, anxiety, viral infections, even banned sex for months thinking they were all causes. Unfortunately they still occur for no reason. I haven't found the answer or the cure. All I know is when if the cysts come to a head and burst, the pain eases. Hot flannels do help and salt baths too. Anti biotics help but then I am usually left with 'Thrush' (a lovely side effect from the anti biotics!!!).
As far as I know and from what the surgeons have told me these lumps are NOT cancer related. And they can occur in different areas.
I just know that we are the unlucky ones babe, looks like we may be just prone to them.
Please try not to worry too much.

Take care of you

Deb xx

15-09-10, 21:41
Thank you for your replies. I know I should listen to my doctor.

The cyst isn't huge and in no way compares to the bartholins abcesses that I have experienced. But it has become a bit sore. It is very close to a marsupialisation scar which is also very red and sore.

I hate having these things. They are uncomfortable and embarassing and don't do my relationship with my husband any good either!! ( although he is very sympathetic!!). I hate having health anxiety too as my brain keeps whispering "vulval cancer" to me. However, this is very rare and mainly affects older people. I am only 38.

Thanks again for your replies.

15-09-10, 21:57
If it's bothering you that much then perhaps you should have it removed only for comfort sake.

16-09-10, 18:11
Keep an eye on it- so to speak in case it turns into an abcess as I had a small pea sized cyst on my vaginal lip inner for a year causing no pain or problem and found by accident but then it suddenly started to ache and one day got ten times bigger and it was an abcess. This happened three times in 6 months with abcess always in same place and even though it burst it didn't go away completely until after 3rd one. I had strong antibitoics twice and they did zilch other than give me thrush so refued to have them again when it came back a 3rd time. The advice about hot flannels is great as this is what I did hot flannels and either very very dilute tea tree oil or salt at least 5 times a day and when it burst I pressed not squeezed it until it really got all the gunk out.

I was waiting for a gyny appt to have it cut out but it all cleared up so have said I will only have it done if it comes back again.

I have no idea why I got it - I was told it was a blocked gland that started it. Are you by any chance perimenopausal as I am and I am sure hormones can affect it.

Keep using the hot flannels and see if it comes to a head and you can get it to burst. I sympathise about the indignity and pain and walking like you have lost your horse or filled your nappy:D its just not fun.