View Full Version : Hallo there

15-09-10, 19:06
Hi all :byebye: thought i'd give you my story(Sorry if its too long):shades:

I've been recently diagnosed with depression (3 weeks) and the doctor put me on 30mg of mirtzapine and 2 sleeping tablets (Zopiclone 3.5mg tabs)

The reason for this was that after years of going to sleep within 15min ,I was having problems sleeping this came to a head on holiday where I would fall asleep then wake about 1-2am for a few hours then going back to sleep.Finally one night I woke at 12am and was awake the rest of the night,couldn't cat nap in the afternoon then just having 2-3 hours sleep for remainder of Holiday,not good with 4 kids (1 with SN's):scared15: It got to the point where I thought I was cracking up,paranoid about not sleeping etc. I then drove 600 miles back from France on 5 hrs sleep in two nights ,not good :scared15:

I thought everything would be ok when I got back home and I slept on and off on 1st night back waking up with bad sweats.I went to Doctors following day and he prescribed me diazapan to relieve me of any anxiety and get me to sleep.I didn't take them as I thought I could conquer this myself(How wrong was I) That weekend followed then same sleep pattern going to sleep and waking constantly through the night with sweats and not getting a 'full' nights sleep.I also noticed that through the day I was getting negative thoughts every now and then which i couldn't shake,also panic attacks were happening.
On the Monday I still wasn't sleeping good and the doctor gave me some sleeping pills(Over the phone) I didn't take them :doh: instead thinking that it was the panic attacks and anxiety that was stopping me sleeping I took the diazapan:blush: had a better nights sleep but the next morning I had constant negative thoughts all day at work.This got worse on the afternoon when I rang a friend who's got terminal cancer and wanting to congratulate him on the news I'd heard that he'd been given an extra 2 years of life(initially it was 2 weeks) he told me the op was cancelled,tumour to big and he had weeks left.This totally floored me,I broke down the next day with all the negatitvety in my head,got my wife to phone the doctor who told me to come down straight away.
I got down there and blubbed like a baby(I'm 39):)

He diagnosed me with depression and put me on the above meds and to go back in a week.Sleep was great having 9-10 hrs the 1st 3-4 nights,still having bad neg thoughts because the AD's hadn't kicked in but at least I was sleeping:yesyes:. I went back and he gave me another 2 weeks of 30mg mirtz .I'd even got down to one sleeping pill although not getting the same sleep but better than when I was on holiday.He said finish the course of sleeping tabs and come back in 2 weeks.I stopped taking the sleeping pills 3 days later and was getting the same sleep as when i was on 1.

I went back yesterday and told him the AD's kicked in last Monday but I still wasn't sleeping right as I keep waking up in 90-120min blocks wide awake(No night sweats though) having very vivid dreams not sure if I'm sleeping if you know what i mean?? He said he'll put the dosage upto 45mg as this tends to help with sleeping.....but i had my worse nights sleep in two weeks:weep:.Todays been a bad day because I know I had a bad nights sleep but I've noticed I'm only having neg thoughts about my sleeping and nothing else.Have to keep saying to myself its only been 3 weeks,still very early isn't it?

See you on the forums Gary:whistles:

15-09-10, 19:07
Hi Gaz

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Hazel B
15-09-10, 19:08
Welcome! You will gets lots of support here.

paula lynne
15-09-10, 19:23
welcome gaz :welcome: youll find so much help and support here, and meet like=minded people..Im so glad to know you.x:winks:

15-09-10, 19:24
Welcome, Gary.

You'll find so much support on NMP. We have all been/are going through anxiety/depression and can identify with parts or all of your story. Keep posting and you'll see you are not alone.

Vanilla Sky
15-09-10, 20:40
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x