View Full Version : Heartburn or the Big C, very worried

15-09-10, 20:36
I am a 39 yr old long time sufferer of HA, GERD, and IBS. For weeks my heartburn has been increasingly bad. I am on 40mg of nexium and lately I have been taking all kinds of other OTC drugs to try and get a handle on this. I am beginning to fear that i ahve a tumor somewhere in my throat and that I am going to die soon. I have heartburn all day to the point where I am nauseas when I wake up and have pain all day. I am freaking out and can no longer think straight. I had an endoscope of my throat 4.5 yrs ago and full blood work a month ago. Anyone with info or ways to deal with this would be much appreciated. I need help, I feel like I am drowning in panic.

15-09-10, 20:45
Hi J2

I had heartburn everyday when I was younger, and had to wake up in the middle of the night, every night and drink milk to get some peace from it. It ended up being a virus called H Pylori that was cured with 2 weeks of meds.

I would very much doubt it is anything sinister my friend, and sounds like your HA is making you worse (remember, anxiety can cause indigestion and acid).

Do you think another trip to your GP might be worth it, just to put your mind at rest?

It could be something as simple as your diet, and being intolerant to certain foods.



15-09-10, 20:49
I have an appt tomorrow but I can't quit focusing on the big C. How was your h pylori diagnosed? Was it a specific test or just a guess from the doc? I don't have insurance and can barely afford to see the doc much less pay for expensive tests. thanks for your replay.

15-09-10, 20:55
Hi J2

It was a specific blood test, but it was 20 years ago. My dad recovered from Cancer last year (of the oesophagus/gullet). Heartburn ws not one of his symptoms.

J2, the problem with health anxiety is, we will jump to the worst case scenario. I have done it myself many times, and spent weeks and months worrying that I had some tumour, or pending heart attack that never materialised.

By all means see your GP (I know it's difficult in the USA with your medical system, if funds are tight) but once you are given the OK, think about tackling the real issue, and that's the faulty thinking.

Btw I am not saying you have H Pylori, but I am just pointing out that all as HA sufferers think every pain or sensation is the big C, and we spend so much time worrying when it is unfounded.

Good luck tomorrow.


paula lynne
15-09-10, 21:10
All the best J2, Im sure you will be fine x:hugs:

16-09-10, 08:21
I went through a period a couple of years back with terrible heartburn, indigestin, sickness - all the classic symptoms. Like you, had an endoscopy and all was well.

I was prescribed lansoprazole by the consultant, however after a few repeat prescriptions via my doctor, he asked me to come in and see him - yikes - what was that all about?

Anyway, he said he wasn't happy that a patient should be on lansoprazole types of tables - he said they have a vicious circle effect and don't really resolve the issue - not sure if this is true or not. However he said he wanted me to take only Gaviscon Advance and to take it whenever I needed to. This I have done and can honestly say it's helped - I just swig it out of the bottle as and when I feel uncomfortable. i get it on prescription too as I can get a bigger bottle.

However I do believe my anxiety/stress plays a big contributor to my indigestion problems :weep:

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 18:13
I feel for you J2, I have had simelar. Sometimes sit up late into the night with it :( Tis horrible x x x x