View Full Version : Trapped Nerve causing issues in Hands??

15-09-10, 22:10
Hi Guys

I have been having issues which initally started as A Numb Little Finger and an asleep arm after me waking up. The numbness would last most of the day and was worse when I was stressed, The asleep arm would subside shortly after waking and moving about a bit.

This started months ago, and the numbess has since subsided quite a while ago. I Rarely suffer with "asleep arm" anymore either

I have suffered the odd finger twitching, sometimes when smoking a cigarette.

I quite often sleep using my arm as a pillow and lay on the sofa using my arm as a support, both of which Im sure do not help.

Recently, I have experienced twitching in both little fingers, occasional slight weekness, in the little fingers, it may be fairer to say slightly relaxed grip. I have also sufferd cramps in my hands, not painfull really, sometimes achey, and my fingers will curl in slightly

My question, Im getting too, is, can a trapped nerve affect BOTH arms/hand/fingers at the same time, maybe, is it possible or remotley likley too have TWO trapped nerves

Could something else be causing the issues, they are by no means severe, a anoyance at most, but with anxiety, I always need to seek reassurance / advice


paula lynne
15-09-10, 22:26
Hi anxiety can cause tingling/pins and needles etc in both hands, feet, face etc...Im getting it now as I write this...try not to sit in the same position for too long during the day. Im sure you are fine xx:)

16-09-10, 08:16
Absolutey. Have you had your neck checked by an osteopath? I only ask as I have 2 slightly herniated discs in my neck and to begin with had no end of problems with my right arm, numbness, tingling, generally feeling of weakness. the osteo helps me loads and I have a good relationship with my osteopath so know quite alot about this sort of stuff.

This may help:

The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae. Shown here are the third cervical, (C3) through the seventh cervical, (C7) vertebrae.
When the nerves that pass through this area are involved with subluxation areas such as the neck muscles, the shoulder, as well as the arms and hands are affected. In these situations, problems such as neck pain, arm pain, numbness, stiff neck, bursitis, as well as many other musculoskeletal problems are possible

I had a slight whiplast injury a couple of weeks back and it stiffened up my neck, subsequently it's made my left arm feel all "odd" again so I have an osteo appointment for Friday to get it sorted.

16-09-10, 13:15
I'm thinking of seeing my physio again who I used too see for a bad back, may he can do some re-aligning? I no I have bad posture and also stress seems to be retained in my back causing stiffness and pain