View Full Version : Hello everyone

16-09-10, 03:22
Hello everyone, and thank you for checking out this thread.

My name is Bud, and my girlfriend has severe panic disorder.

I am writing this thread to tell you my story, and hopefully recieve some enlightenment.
First let me start by saying that my girlfriend and I grew up together. We atteneded grammar school from 1st through 8th grade, and also high school. We were always friends then, but when high school started, she had a whole new group of friends, and I lost touch with her. Mind you we were only friends in these days...... Next thing I know she left high school, and I had not seen here since.
Jumping 10 years ahead, October 2009, We finally meet again.
It seemed as though it was ment to be. Both single, 26 years old, and both wanting a relationship. She mentioned her panic, which I was amazed to hear, because I never thought she had any problems.....

In our first months of dating, we would go out drinking all the time. At first I never noticed anything wrong, but then the drinking was getting way out of hand, and I knew she was abusing the alcohol.
Next I find out all the medications she is on.....celexa ,xanax xr, and valium. I say to myself, holy cow she is not supposed to be touching any alcohol. After a million fights, I made an ultimatum......no more drinking for the both of us, or its over.
I always had fun going out partying, and so on. But hey, this woman is very important to me, and ending the drinking was not a problem. In fact, Ive been a much healther individual, and from what I can tell, so has she....
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will stay away from the drinking....
Next, the panic itself. She claims I do not understand her disorder, and need to come here and learn about it for myself.
So far, the website has been very informative, but I have a few points I would like to bring up:

The medications she is taking (celexa ,xanax xr, and valium) have been prescribed by a generic doctor. Should not she in fact see a specialist? I'm not professional here, but she is on some strong meds...are they the right ones?
She is agoraphobic- No job, no income, no insurance. Stays at home all day watches TV, and a few chores here and there. Sure she comes over to my place, but we are big movie goers, and are always watching TV! Dont get me wrong I try to go out and try new things with her, but the thing that makes me most nervous is staying away from any alcohol. Yes, Ive made the mistake of pushing her to get a job, so on and so fourth, but hey it can be frustrating at times.....Any enlightment on this matter would greatly help
Lately the relationship itself (sex drive, over all compassion for myself) has taken a screeching hault. Ive brought these matters up with her, but am I doing more harm than good??? Sometimes I feel like I can't say anything to her because it will all be bad news
OK, I don't want to stick everyone with a novel here, but this is just the tip of the iceburg. Please tell me your thoughts, ideas, solutions, anything! I will gladly respond, and add any additional info.
Thanks for your time reading, and talk to you soon.....

16-09-10, 03:25
Hi Bud

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-09-10, 03:30
Welcome Bud, :welcome:

the fact you are here is a good start in helping you both. :winks:

You'll get plenty of good advice & Info from many lovely folk here. :D

I hope this place, which is like a family to me, becomes a place that you can turn to in time of trubs. :hugs:

Take care, be safe & I hope to see ye about the forum & maybe in chat sometime. :blush:

16-09-10, 03:45
Hi Bud + welcome x
On wat u said in your comment below.. All i can do is give my opinion.
I also abused anti depressants + alchohol, So much that it became a habit" An addiction.. I had the worst tragic news 2 yrs ago, I felt so terrible + ill that i lost all the confidence in myself,, hybernation etc etc..
The drink made me feel better + sadly became an addiction. But in long term + looking bak at it. Drink started as an upper -made my hurt go away + made me sleep calmly, But over a period of time, It attacks ur self esteem, motivation , confidence + so on!
It ends up making u depressed + sad + feel horrible all the time, Especially about yourself :(
And problem is.. U get the habit of havin a can or glass near by + then u Binge drink cos the taste is unbearable.
Its an illness especially wen on medication already, takes away ur confidence totally.. Im still on treatment myself + found drink the hardest thing to stop.. I drank myself to a peacefull state of being alone,+ on top of medication..
I cut the whole world outa my life as i lost all self esteem + confidence,,
I have started buying all kinds of juice, sprin water,fizz.. + now wen i want to lift my glass every 2minutes :) i can ! im not on valium.. hmm these arnt great to drink on.. gives the sedatted affect.. + like i said , Alchohol becomes a deppressant+ starts making u feel so much worse in the end x
wish u strength
love Erin

16-09-10, 09:16
hi Bud, welcome to the forum :)

paula lynne
16-09-10, 09:56
Hi Bud and a big warm welcome :welcome:

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 17:22
Helloo, and welcome to NMP x x x x x x x

16-09-10, 22:46
Thanks everyone for the kind responses. I will be exploring more of the site/forums tonight to learn even more......
thanks again


17-09-10, 09:38
Hi Bud,

She's a lucky girl to have such a supportive boyfriend.

It sounds to me that it's her that perhaps needs to do the research on her condition as it sounds as if she is not helping herself too much. Sitting around all day watching TV is not a life for anyone. Even if she took a short walk each day to get some exercise and fresh air it would help her.

Although medication can be helpful, tablets such as Valium are not a long term solution. They are not anti-depressants.

Perhaps some gentle encouragement from you & a visit to her doctor to try to get a hold of things is needed. Perhaps you could read through some information together. There is plenty of useful information on this website.

You are doing the right things by pushing her. We all need to learn to help ourselves and sometimes need reminding of this. My boyfriend always encourages me when I'm having a bad time. It's finding the right balance of sympathy & a bit of tough love!

Good luck & I hope things get better for you soon


19-09-10, 04:45
Thanks Kel

Im not trying to sound cocky, but yes, she is extremely lucky to have me around. For the past year, I have been her means of transportation (she does not have a driver's license), which gives her access to just about everything from food, to picking up prescriptions. I still push, but at times my temper would flare, and I'd really freak her out (working on that).


The doctor has switcher her celexa to zoloft. OMG has this been hell! I have not seen here since I started this thread. The switch in medications has her feeling like total crap. She does not want me to see her, she tells me she doesn't care anymore??!!! I'm still staying strong though, I know this process can bring on mood swings, right?

20-09-10, 15:23
Hang in there Bud. I guess there will be blips whilst her body adjusts from one medication to another.

Maybe just give her the space that she's asking for & let her know that you're there for her.

Maybe if you're not around then she might realise how lucky she is. Perhaps the break might do you some good too as I guess it can't be easy for you
