View Full Version : is it getting better?

16-09-10, 07:38
Hello i posted yest, my first post on here. Ive been taking diazepam for a couple days now and am starting to feel a little more relaxed! Ive still got the feeling of a lump in my throat but the feeling of panic isnt there as much! Does this mean its going? i just wish this feeling in my throat would do one! the only time its not there is when im eating!

Hope you are all having a good start to the day!


16-09-10, 08:01
Hi Toni,

I'm not sure if your throat issue is going, but the Diazepam is certainly allowing you to relax enough to not panic as much about it. Which in turn can give you the relief of knowing that the more you focus on it the more it stays around.

Have you read the forum about the throat issues? I know many people on here have gone through something similar. I hope you feel better soon.

16-09-10, 14:33
Hi Tina thank you for replying, you are right the less i think about it the less its there but its hard to keep your occupied 24/7! I have had a look at a few forums so will look for the throat 1! thanks again!


16-09-10, 16:21
Hi Toni,
If it's any consolation, I had that lump in the throat feeling and it was really bothering me, I too take diazapam when needed, I don't notice the throat thing anymore and not sure it's even there now, but remember, your throat has muscles too, and anxiety can cause your any of your muscles to contract.

16-09-10, 20:54
Thank u Liquid sky, i know its down tot he anxiety its trying to drum that into my brain thats the hard thing, im trying to take it day by day! Are you saying it could be there for you but you have got used to it or because the diazepam helps you to relax you end up thinking about it less? sorry for the silly questions!x