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03-03-06, 01:19
Has this happened to you?


Strange things happen to me when falling asleep or waking up ... sometimes I feel like I have actually stopped breathing and have other weird sensations. I have had the inability to move too. So I was wondering how common that is among anxiety sufferers.

03-03-06, 07:27
Yes this does happen and can sometimes be the cause of a long term health anxiety wheras in reality there are often other causes as outlined in yur articles


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-03-06, 20:28
I had to reply cos I've been through this experience a few times but didn't know how to explain it before.
It's happened about 4/5 times to me since October where ive woke up and I feel like i can't move, it's such a strange feeling. I can breath but i can't talk or move for about 10-15seconds and then everythings fine again. What's it been like when you've had it? How many times has it happened?


04-03-06, 01:10
Hi Lotus,

I found your links very intresting,
I have sometimes gone to sleep in the afternoon and found that I can't wake myself up.I know that I am awake, I can hear hubby calling me or the kids playing but find it soooooo hard to open my eyes or move my body, this does not scare me but find it very strange, to me this is a symptom of anxiety. I had this last week. My daughter is going through a bad time at the mo with school, so for me this symptom is a sign for me to keep a check on my thoughts.

thanks for the links.



04-03-06, 08:37
Hi Lotus

Thanks for the links.

I to too have gone through this, so will find the links very interesting.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

04-03-06, 16:56
Dont worry darling i have had that...i do laf at myselfi really do, coz i can relate to every post i have noticed lol, truth is though i can i so have experince with this nasty devil that lives inside of us all, and trys to control our minds.

Yes i have had some wierd old things happen to me when i sleep and sometimes when i wake to, once i woke up and i couldnt move ... my eyes were opened and yet i just couldnt move my body not any part of it... it was cruel i though i was paralsyed,,, ovioulsy i wasnt as i am typing to you now,but it really isnt anything.. wierd things happen when going asleep and waking.. you should hear my cousins storys..

ash x

16-05-09, 04:54
this is an old post but i experience this.. mostly at night when falling asleep. anyone else?