View Full Version : looking for some advice please

16-09-10, 08:41
I'm looking for a bit of advice, I was referred for a stress echo cardiogram by intravenous injection of Dobutamine.
Short story, I've been off work for 4 months with a neck problem, which has now cleared up (very recently), during this time I've not been able to exercise, or really leave my bed to be honest and have developed mild agoraphobia. I had an ECG a few weeks back which came back with a borderline query, however the blood tests after showed there was nothing wrong and was assured by a consultant, 2 GPs and 2 nurses, that the ECG was nothing to worry about as they can be temperamental. I was however referred for the stress echo cardiogram.
My worry is this, I haven't exercised for as I said, about 4 months, and feel pretty weak, am suffering from panic attacks constantly and am on citalopram 10mg at the moment. I am worried that my heart isn't strong enough at the moment for one of these tests, as it seems to me like the test will mimic a forced panic attack.
Has anyone had one of these before?
Should I be concerned?
Should I delay this procedure until I have a certain level of fitness back and have my anxiety a bit more under control?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

16-09-10, 18:41
I've decided to cancel the test until I'm feeling a bit more fit and will opt to change it to a treadmill test.

16-09-10, 19:21
sounds like a good idea - its not as if you are in dire need of the test. I don't know if its the same thing but a lady once told me about a heart test she had and because she was lame with one leg she coulnd't do the treadmill test so they gave her an injection of something that mimicked exercise on her heart - sounds a bit like your test and she said it was horrible as she had no control and it was like having a major panic attack so can only assume it was something similar.

Get a bit more exercise and go for the treadmill - you don't want to be worrying about a nasty test on top of everything else.

16-09-10, 22:34
thanks countrygirl, that's exactly how it sounds to me, as it is a drip that increases your heart rate, and I've had enough panic attacks to know that I can handle them, and I do not like the idea of one that I can't control as you are not allowed to take any of the calming drugs etc.