View Full Version : Sharp pains in head?

16-09-10, 11:06
Does anyone else get this? I got a really weird sharp one in the back of my head yesterday and it majorly freaked me out. Id been doing so well with my positive thinking.

It doesn't help that Dr Google comes up with my biggest fear..Brain Tumor.

2 eye test, 4 doctors...

Urgh. x:shrug:

paula lynne
16-09-10, 11:19
Hi I get these from time to time. Sharp stab comes out of the blue...it is frightening isnt it. I saw my gp and optician for reassurance. I suffer with migraine and headaches anyway, its just a type of headache. Dont use google please, I was dying a week ago. Except, Im not! hope you feel better soon. Perhaps describe the pain to a chemist and he could recommend a suitable painkiller x:)

16-09-10, 14:53
hi Nicole,
We have a complex set of muscles in our neck, and a whole system of nerves around that area that reach over our heads, and a lot of muscles around our skull too. I have terrible neck tension at times and sometimes the muscles tap my occipital nerves and this can cause all kinds of not so delightful sensations in my head, including sharp pains, wet or cold feeling, electrical feeling (like a funny bone being hit).
If you are concerned about it, I would go to your GP and have them check you out to put your mind at ease. :)

16-09-10, 15:16
Wow, thanks LiquidSky, I have the cold or wet feeling sometimes, and it really freaks me out! Now I know what it is :) It's just one more weird sensation that adds to my heightened anxiety! :(

16-09-10, 15:45
Omg - i get that "wet" feeling in my face! It's so weird and like all of you, heightens my anxiety.

I would go to the doctors, but having now spoken to 4, I think they might conclude I'm loosing my mind...and I can't say i disagree! :blush:

Today my anxiety has been focused on me mis-typing words or getting words mixed up when I'm talking...it's never ending...:weep:


17-09-10, 21:39
I get the sharp pains in head occassionally when my neck tension is bad. I also have sinus issues and the pains could come from that I was told.