View Full Version : Hello, I'm NattyOne - Ectopics & PVCs

16-09-10, 12:55
Hello out there! After reading all your posts over the last two years I have finally decided to join you all :).
I have experienced ectopics, notably PVCs, since my early twenties (1993), but they were usually caused by the obvious triggers of sudden stress or some social anxiety, and they were infrequent. My GP sent me to Cardiology to be checked over. I was told I had a slight heart murmur (benign), I had a 24 hour tape (nothing much was recorded), and I also had an Echo (which was referred to as 'good').
Then in July 2008 I had neuralgic amyotrophy, which is an 'attack' on the nerves in the shoulder/arm. It lasts two weeks and it is unbelievably painful :ohmy:, but then the pain gradually tapers off. I was left with some muscle wastage in my shoulder (and winging of the scapula), and the odd nerve twinge. Anyway, the ectopics suddenly made a dramatic return. I asked the Cardiologist if there could be a connection. He said possibly, although it has never been documented. The neurologist dismissed my question! In February 2009 I had ECGs, a 7 day holter monitor, and an Echo. The ectopics showed on the monitor, but they were classed as 'occasional'; and the Echo was normal. So I went away reassured and the ectopics remained the same. I sort of came to deal with them a bit better. Not entirely. Do you ever?
Then this May (2010) the ectopics upped their game. Sometimes 12+ in a row, leaving me 'spaced out' and frightened :weep:. The ectopics also surface in various other combinations, couplets, triplets, salvos, bigeminy, trigeminy...
To cut a long story short, I was back at the Cardiology Clinic on Monday. After explaining my 'new' situation to the Lead Consultant, he sympathised and then prescribed me Bisoprolol (low dose), but only to take it as a 'back-up' on a 'bad' day, not as a regular medication. He is reviewing me in 3 months time :).
I have tried to find a pattern, cause, etc. to all of this, but I've never found a specific reason :mad:. I took voluntary redundancy (for many reasons) last Christmas, and thought that maybe the ectopics would subside... No, no change there, they are just as stubborn :lac:. I have tried Pilates, which is quite calming, and focuses the mind away from your heartbeat, but only when you're actually doing it. I have kept a diary, trying to find a pattern. My iron levels were a bit low (not quite anaemic), so I am on iron tablets for that, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. I am a bit skinny, so maybe thin people do feel them more. Who knows :wacko:.
It's like looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! I take a huge amount of solace from reading the postings of all you folk out there in the same situation :hugs:. My husband is understanding about all this, but he doesn't experience these darn things... thank goodness!
Looking forward to reading your posts :yesyes:

16-09-10, 12:57
Hi NattyOne

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 17:21
Hello Natty, welcome to NMP x x x x

paula lynne
16-09-10, 18:12
Hi Natty and welcome :welcome: Im Paula, aortic reflux and agrophibia sufferer. I know you will find lots of support and make friends here, its good to meet you. x:D (agoraphobia even..haha) x

Vanilla Sky
16-09-10, 21:38
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x