View Full Version : Palpitation help please?

16-09-10, 13:59
I know you must be getting bored with me posting, but I just had the scariest experience yet since I've had anxiety.

I was going to college about an hour ago and was walking along fine, untill my throat starting pounding at the bottom and my heartbeat went unbelievably fast, and I mean very very fast like 2 or 3 beats a second, I was in no pain or anything it was just so so scary and I sat down and it continued for about 5 minutes untill it suddenly stopped and went into my regular heartbeat.
I now feel exhausted! So I told the teacher at college and he allowed me to go home and rest.

I was wondering how many others of you suffer from this kind of palpitation? I've never had it before and it has never lasted that long, it felt like a lifetime!!!

About 3 doctors have listened to my heart in the past month and all have said I have a healthy heart because I'm only 18 and not overweight but I can't help doubting their words because my heart wouldn't be doing this for no reason and I wouldn't have chest pains for no reason either?!


16-09-10, 14:17
Missed beats, rapid heart rate, or just being aware of a very 'loud' heatbeat are all palps and as you've had you heart seen to by your gp yours is fine. I think its always best to get it checked out especially if its a new symptom but majority of the time its anxiety. I get missed beats and try very hard to ignore them, they get fed up and disappear till the next time. The trouble is we feel this odd beat and instead of ignoring it we dwell on it and it gets worse. Everyones heart goes a bit 'wonky' and non anxious people do what we should do and dont give it a second thought!
Your worrying about it will make them last longer or are you are being very good and not letting take over?
Take care and try not to worry if it happens again. I find that palps are like unexpected guests, turn up when you least expect and very hard to get rid of!!!

16-09-10, 14:46
Hi MrBlue
The first time I had a panic attack, was on a train and I was 26 years old, I was sat there reading a book, very calm, then suddenly I went extremely hot in the head and my heart was racing at about 160 bpm, I quickly got up and got off at the next stop and ran down to the main road and went into the chemist, the chemist gave me a betablocker and I was taken to hospital, my heart was checked and all was normal and was told I'd had a panic attack.
As Carol suggested, go and get it checked out but it does sound like a classic panic attack to me, the problem is, if we feel something we've never felt before, like a sharp pain or a skipped beat, or a sudden rush of heat, our body can kick in it's "fight or flight" system and release a ton of adrenalin, our super fuel, which will cause, among other things, a rapid heart rate.
Hope this is of some help.

16-09-10, 17:01
thanks for the replied. I will get it checked out, I'm only 18 years old and I've been to the doctors about 10 times in the past month, they're definately going to think I'm overreacting especially as my doctor said to me last time that I'm perfectly healthy and have anxiety, I do believe him but I have doubts if that makes sense, the symptoms I get make me want to go to the doctor but when I don't have them I just think to myself 'ahh I'm fine and overreacting'

16-09-10, 17:07
Mr Blue, this is exactly what happened when I had my first panic attack, and I ended up in A&E terrified I was goning to die. It is a simple adrenaline surge, and the pounding that you felt in your neck is nothing more than the pulse in your carotid arteries.

I know it is very scary, and in my case I had a full set of investigations, including an echocardiogram, 24 hour monitor and ECG, but my doctor said all along that the most likely thing was pure and simple anxiety, and she was right.

16-09-10, 17:11
thanks alice, yeah the pounding in my neck felt similar to a feeling I get when I get asthma attacks, it sort of hurts but it doesnt if you know what I mean. So what I just had was a panic attack?

16-09-10, 17:16
It sounds like it to me, they come in many disguises, but for me it is usually the pounding heart that I cope with least well.

16-09-10, 17:21
yeah same as me, I absolutely hate my heart being in an abnormal situation, it scares me so much that something could be fatally wrong