View Full Version : General Anesthetic

16-09-10, 15:34
Hi there, am worried sick about going into hospital tomorrow to have an ovarian cyst removed. Am having a general anesthetic and I've never had one before and I have convinced myself that something will happen and I won't wake up. Am also worried that they will damage my ovary and it will affect fertility but I am less worried about this than I am about the anesthetic, also I am worrying that I'll have a panic attack tomorrow and they will refuse to operate and I'll have to go through all this again when I get another operation date.
If anyone has experience of anything similar I would be grateful to hear from you.:scared15:

Kerry B
16-09-10, 15:56
Hi there I had an Overian Cyst removed a few years back it was the size of a Melon. I was as petrified of the operation but if you explain that you suffer with panic attacks they will give you a premed which will calm you down before you go to the theatre they did with me. If you want to pm please do. Good Luck for tomorrow

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 17:41
Hello love, I totally sympathise with you. I'm dead scared of operations aswel (even if they are small) the thought it is horrible. BUT my mum had that done, and she was too, afraid, and she said the thought was alot worse that IT actually was. She said its over and done with before you even know about it. And think how much better you will feel afterwards :) Be strong, and you will be asking yourself what you were worrying about ;) x x x best wishes x x x let us know how you got on ;) x x x x

16-09-10, 19:53
also I am worrying that I'll have a panic attack tomorrow and they will refuse to operate and I'll have to go through all this again when I get another operation date.
If anyone has experience of anything similar I would be grateful to hear from you.:scared15:

I had an op 9 years ago, I had a GA for about 6 hours, I was terrified and totally hysterical, screaming/crying before hand, but bless, the porter soon had me laughing through my tears, the next thing I knew the nurses were smiling at me and it was all done, I can't imagine they'd cancel, they'll know how to relax you . x good luck x

16-09-10, 19:56
Hi my love, I've had two general anaesthetics in the past - they really are nothing to be worried about. They hook you up to so many machienes that there's very little chance of something going badly wrong! Basically all that happens is you get an injection (ask for Emula cream to numb first if you are worried) and then you will very quickly feel a bit sleepy - as my doctor said "you'll begin to feel very drunk" haha, I remember noticing the pictures on the walls moving etc as I was going under, it's a nice feeling (in an odd way), you feel very relaxed :D! The next thing you know, you will wake up, might be a bit sore but they are usually good for getting you painkillers to prevent this. As far as I'm aware there's less chance of side effects now - and what side effects there are can usually be managed quite well. To give you an idea, the first time I had an op I threw up for 3/4 hours after :blush:, the second time apart from being sleepy I was fine.

You might get a pre-med too, I had that the first time I had an Op when I was 7, that in itself isnt too scary either, it just makes you go all floppy and giggly, and very relaxed!

Explain you are a bit anxious and they'll do all they can to help you - for a healthy, fit person, an anaesthetic is not really that risky at all.

I'm afraid I don't know a lot about ovarian cysts but I'm sure it will be fine, please don't worry. I'm sending you my thoughts, prayers and a huge hug :hugs: - you can do it, I know you can :yesyes:

Good luck and God Bless :D xxxx

16-09-10, 20:41
if your very nervous they might give you some kind of medication to relax.
I was very nervous when going for a minor op, I shake really bad when I'm anxious, so they kept asking if I was cold!!
when your in the operating room, they put stickers on your chest n attach the wires to monitor your heart beat.
In Ireland they put you to sleep by injecting you white this white fluid, you will feel your eye lids gets heavy and the next thing you will hear the nurse waking you up.
I was so grumpy when they woke me up lol I kept saying ok ok I'm up!!
when your home you'll probably sleep it off.

you have two ovarys!!! so even by the tinist chance it gets damaged you'll have a spare one!!! :-)

I know it's scary but think of it as one day out of millions of days in your life.
for one day you will cope with the anxiety and fear!
the doctors and nurses have done this hundreds of times, their job is to make you more healthy and to keep you safe.
plus hospital is like the safest place to be!!

18-09-10, 12:15
Thank you so much for your reassuring messages. I had the op yesterday and everything went really well, I was probably more relaxed yesterday morning than I had been all week! The GA itself was fine, when I woke up I didn't even realise I had had the op. Was discharged this morning and although a little sore and tired am feeling fine and got my lovely hubby looking after me at home. Thanks again for the messages of support, I really find this webiste and the people on it so helpful at times of anxiety, it's reassuring that you aren't the only one with these thoughts and feelings. Thanks again. Sara x

18-09-10, 22:41
:yesyes: Good to hear you got on fine, well done you :D xx

Kerry B
20-09-10, 21:59
Hi Sara, glad to hear you are home and everything went wll, just rest now and let your husband be your slave lol x