View Full Version : Can anyone give me some advice please

16-09-10, 16:05
Hi there,
ive been off work 8 weeks and got another 3 weeks then go back, the thing is i really dont want to go back just the thought of work still makes me feel sick and anxious.
I try not to think about it and ive told myself im not going so i feel better but then when i do think about it oh my god what am i going to do comes to mind and i feel anxious and sick all over again.My doc has said about a return to work slowly but i think my boss wants me to do 4 hours a day and thats way to much for me to even think about.
If i left would i get some sort of benefits until im ready to return to work and would my boss give me a reference for the futher do you thing???? any advice would help.

I know im not facing my fears but it so so hard.
Im having CBT therpy and dont have another appt for 2 weeks.

16-09-10, 16:34
Hi :) I think going back to work after only having a even couple of days off is hard for anyone. You get yourself worked up about it but when you actually bite the bullet and return to work you find yourself thinkin "what was i worried about?" Gradual return sounds like a fab idea and being at work and occupying your time might actually be what you need. Hope it goes well.Xx

paula lynne
16-09-10, 18:16
Gradual return does sound good...you can do it! I bet it will be good and youll see all your old mates too...x:yesyes: