View Full Version : just googled and wish i hadnt

16-09-10, 16:21
help ive had symptons of water infection all week
ive done all the usual things plenty of water and cranberry juice and powders from the chemist but it keeps coming and going so i googled and it said if left untreated you can get kidney failure or septis ?so panic has gone up the wall have a fear of doctors and never go but have made an appointment but cant get in till monday that is going to be torture as i know i will have a panic attack in his room
does any one on here know if it can get that bad and will i be okay till monday

16-09-10, 16:37
Hi, Doctor Google is a really bad doctor and never trust his advice at all, he will always bring our panic symptoms rushing to the forefront.
Try to stay calm, I know it's not easy and if you get really concerned, why not give NHS Direct a call and ask to speak to one of the nurses there about it?

16-09-10, 16:43
thanks liquidsky
i never thought about nhs direct if it gets too bad will give them a ring

Hazel B
16-09-10, 17:33
I get these a lot, drink lots of water and stay off tea, coffee and booze. You can call NHS Direct or use the NHS out of hours service if you have one in your area. Kidney infection is really serious, you would know as you'd have a raging fever.
Stay off Google!

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 17:37
Hello Dolley, I think I have one aswel :( It burns when I pee, and hurts in that general area x x x x x

16-09-10, 18:52
thats good news as i dont feel ill just low backache and keep peeing and of course a bit sore down below its more annoying than anything else as you never know if its caused by anxiety or its real

16-09-10, 18:54
fly away katie
could you make an appointment at your doctors
ive been told that you take a urine sample and they test it for you

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 18:55
I think I will do, but last time I took one in, they never got back to me, so it put me off :S x x x By the way, Ive had them in the past, and they can go on their own x x x x

16-09-10, 18:58
yes mines been on and off all week
you watch now ive made an appointment for monday it will go over the weekend but i will still go just to make sure

Hazel B
16-09-10, 21:06
They should have the dipsticks at the docs, and don't forget that sometimes anxiety can make you pee a lot, it's the adrenalin.

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 21:18
Its always the way Dolly :P x