View Full Version : Thinking....

16-09-10, 17:13
I cant stop rumminating about things. Its driving me round the twist. Any tips to stop this? I have diaz but dont want to start taking it unless i really need it.Xx

16-09-10, 17:17
my therapist said try and switch channels like a tv programme sometimes it helps me x

16-09-10, 17:19
Ive had cbt in the past and it helped at the time but its so hard to turn off.Xx

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 17:44
I know how you feel! I cant stop thinking either. No matter how many online games I play, nomatter WHAT I do, I keep thinking and thinking, and then end up panicing x x x x

16-09-10, 17:48
Lol. We're our own worst enemy. Im meant to be revisin but all my brain power is taken up by thinkin about, well, shit. :wacko: Xx

Desprate Dan
16-09-10, 18:00
Hey i know how you feel, i cant stop thinking, i try to focus on somthing, but then realise i am thinking about mad stuff again and getting myself into a panic. Its so difficult to break the cycle especially when my job is so boring, my mind wander's and before i know it i am in a panic.

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 18:16
Oh god, I hated that when I tried to revise for exams and I just COULDN'T focus because my mind kept wondering x x x

16-09-10, 18:22
Tell me about it. Lol. Any tips?Xx

16-09-10, 18:58
do you still remember you're cognitive skills? are you able to tap into them now?
Thinking is the worst part of anxiety in my opinion, as that is what brings on most of our symptoms, it is difficult to divert the mind from the thoughts, when you are using the same mind to try and do this.
Personally, if it's health related, what I try to do and it doesn't always work, is weigh up the chances in my reaction to things, like, I've got a pain in my chest, I've got a heart problem, wait a minute, I've had pains in my chest before and numerous ECGs and tests and all have come back fine, so what's the chance that this is a heart problem. As I said, it doesn't always work, but sometimes it can, but in the end, I revert to breathing techniques and relaxation music or something I enjoy doing, if I can't get the thoughts out, at least then I reduce the chance of a dreaded panic attack.

17-09-10, 00:10
I listen to music a lot of the time, when I'm out or sitting in my room alone. It really helps. Or watching TV, some kids TV is quite good and doesn't require much of an attention span. I find reading more difficult because my mind tends to wander. When I was still studying, I'd always have music on. I listened to music about 10 hours a day while writing my dissertation, for me it keeps me focused.