View Full Version : Depression :(

16-09-10, 17:30
I don't see the point in carrying on any more, I give up with everything. This may be a cry for help, I really just couldn't care less anymore :(

Guys some of you know me on here, and I've met a few people and stuff, so just know I won't be around any longer lol. Hopefully I can find some rock to crawl under and not bother anyone with my pathetic existence any longer.

I've came to a point in my life where my depression has beaten me for so long, I'm rolling over and allowing it to from now on. I used to spend my time fighting, and that's got me nowhere. I have no friends, no family, nobody who gives two s**ts.

Anyway, for anybody who I've spoke to on here in the past, thanks for the help you've given me. Bye everyone, ending this crap seems a good idea for me. If only I had the courage to hang myself from the loft ladder lol.

16-09-10, 17:44

I don't know you or what your problems are, but you've fought this before so keep fighting! I know it's tiring and it can seem "unfair" when you see everyone else going about their lives finding it so easy, not having to fight. But you CAN do this. You said you've got nobody who gives two s**ts - well I do, and I don't even know you! And there will be other people on here who do. You must be strong if you've got this far.

What kind of help are you receiving? Medication, counselling, CBT, etc. x

16-09-10, 17:59
Hi Dan,

I know it’s hard to find any hope when gripped by depression but I really hope you can find enough courage to keep battling on. I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, but things can and do get better.

On the bad days just do what you can to get through... just 10 minutes at a time even. And on the better days... well perhaps a little more. Baby steps...

Keep writing here Dan – you’ll be surprised how many people do care :hugs:

Take care,

16-09-10, 18:11
Hi Danny,

You have alot of people on here who care....dont give up...post away and we will support you. Have sent you pm.

Take care.

paula lynne
16-09-10, 18:32
I give two s**** about you.....keep writing dan:ohmy:

16-09-10, 18:53

I don't know you and haven't replied to you before but believe me I am pretty much feeling the same but determined to carry on-I KNOW how difficult it is I truly do-the temptation to give up is always there but I urge you to keep going-I too get angry at the way "other people" seem to get on with their lives so easily but that is only one side of the story-there are many others in the same boat as you, many post on this site, and they are all behind you.

Please keep going-you are not "pathetic"-you have an illness but it can be defeated-I FIRMLY believe that-it is what has kept me from throwing in the towel so many times.

Please keep strong


16-09-10, 19:07
Dan, we've spoken a few times and I know it's so difficult when we feel like this: nothing seems to make sense or be worth the effort. But life with its ups and downs guarantees one thing: when you reach rock bottom, the only way is up.

There's no advice to give. It's just a matter of carrying on and remembering that you have friends here, including me, that you can always talk to.

16-09-10, 19:22
my pathetic existence any longer.

I have no friends, no family, nobody who gives two s**ts.

And ... Mel will NOT tolerate anyone calling my mate "pathetic". There ARE people that give two shits (or maybe even 3) :D

I have PM'ed you matey.

16-09-10, 19:26
Hi Dan, we have never spoke on here, but Im here for you PM anytime. There's always someone here for you. Take care Julie x x :)

17-09-10, 07:21
Aww guys :( Thank you so much for these replies, I must admit I've surprised myself reading my post again today, I guess I've not let on how bad I've been struggling with things recently. It's hard as I lack close supportive friends and family, I'm so used to having to go through this on my own as I've done this all along.

I'm taking Citalopram and Pregabalin (60mg and 100mg) which right now doesn't feel like it's doing much, I guess that's to be expected while reaching an all time low? I've got some lovely PMs which right now mean more than the world to me, I'm going to reply to all of you guys, I'll keep posting here too, the support I've recieved from everyone has been so valuable to me, and I've enjoyed every minute I've spent on here.

Julie you do know me :) I sent you a text a few nights ago if you remember? And we chatted on MSN that time lol.

Anyways guys, thank you so much!


17-09-10, 07:31

We all care and we're here to help, it is hard to stay positive when things feel so bad. Hopefully the meds will kick in soon and you'll feel alot better.

Have a great big :bighug1:from me too.

di xx

17-09-10, 07:39
Awww thank you Diane :) Hugs make everything feel better hehe, I'm so glad I have this place and all of my friends here to talk to :hugs:

Hugs and love to everyone

Dan :)

paula lynne
17-09-10, 09:48
Glad you are ok Dan, you had me scared there for a while...Im Paula, nice to meet you x:)

17-09-10, 15:58
i often find that its when i actually give into my depression is when it starts to lift - we think if we give in - we will get to a point of no return but its the constantly fighting it that keeps us feeling so tired and down. i find that if i accept it and really wallow in it and remind myself there are always people worse off in the world - i start to get a bit bored of it and my mood lifts! hope you are feeling better x

17-09-10, 16:17
Thank you guys, it means so much to have people behind me who know what this feels like. I'm hoping my mood can only get better right now, I guess on the plus side, things are never as bad as they seem and today I feel more positive and ready to face things again. :-)

Thanks for all the lovely messages and I hope everyone is doing okay, is a nice sunny day here in Devon which is making me feel a little more positive.

Dan :hugs:

17-09-10, 17:06
Hi Dan,

I’m really pleased that you’re feeling happier today :)

You know what... when a person is going through one of those dark periods it feels like everything is hopeless and will never ever change, and they forget about days like today when the sun is shining and things feel better.

So one little trick is to put together a few memories of today – take some photos, write something down, even print out some of these posts. Then if you ever find yourself having a bit of a low day again – and everybody does from time to time – you can look back at those things or read what you wrote, and remind yourself that there have in fact been some better days, and there can be again.

Take care,

17-09-10, 17:07
glad to hear ur feeling better :) hugs x


17-09-10, 19:10
Well done Dan - that's the attitude to have, my friend. Always around for a chat, OK?

Stay positive!