View Full Version : Had Enough!

16-09-10, 19:11
Really down at moment so came for a whinge!! Just can not hack it anymore over last two weeks i have had over 9 cancer's in my mind! The latest one is a small lump i found near my windpipe! I am only 36 and should be having my minds on other things rather than this, ive been told by my wife that a lump would be visible but try and google this and all sorts of stats come up, rubbedmy neck till nearly bleeding! Never had end it all thoughts but seriously i can not go on rest of my life like this. I know it is my anxiety, my friend has a lump since he was twelve that is very noticable and he does not give two hoots, wish i could be like him! My throat is tense and that increses my anxiety!! dont want to go to docters as that makes my anxiety worse after a few days, tried all sorts of meds without succes, just want to be normal! Help!!!

17-09-10, 14:59
Have you tried any other treatment aside from meds bullybeef? Maybe you would have some success from CBT?

One thing that I find very reassuring is going to my local library and reading all the self-help books on anxiety and health anxiety. It really helps to calm you down when you are doing some pro-active about your anxiety and preparing for the next attack.

Perhaps better advice would be to NOT google symptoms next time, and to instead post on the forum to get re-assurance from other members.

The lump could be nothing more than a gland which has raised in the last few days. You have a number of them all over your body, and the real stats will tell you that the chances of you having cancer are much lower than having raised glands!

Please book in with the gp to put your mind at rest.


Hazel B
17-09-10, 15:02
Please, please, please stay away from "Dr Google", it makes our minds race and think the worst. Do tyr to go and see your own GP for reassurance, also the health anxiety information on the left of the screen is really helpful.