View Full Version : Hi I'm Pete

cheesy pete
16-09-10, 21:50

My name is Pete and I am new to this.

Probably a good idea to give you some background as to why i am here.

I fell ill just before Christmas last year (2009) with a mystery 'virus'. I ended up being off work for about three weeks in the end and after a number of visits to the doctor for blood tests, etc. was told it had probably been a virus. Doctor took my pulse told me it was racing and that i was suffering from anxiety. Prescribed me with anti-depressants for 3 weeks and told me to relax and enjoy Christmas. Easier said then done of course!
Eventually after going a bit mad in the few days up to Christmas, I finally organised an appointment to see a counsellor. I ended up going weekly for about 6 -8 weeks and found it really helpful. Whilst my family have never been anything but supportive, it is nice sometimes to speak to someone independent.
Anyway things improved over the next few months but at the back of my mind was always the thought, what i end up feeling like that again.
In the last few months, i have started to feel achy again (mainly shoulders and top of arms) and of course any chest pains/tweaks i ever get start the mind racing as ever.
Last week i had an appointment in London and prior to the early start i hadn't had a great night and i jumped on the train in. As the train got closer and closer and the carraige got fullier and fullier all i could think was that i wanted to get off. Anyway, long and short of story i got to my first meeting, felt awful (chest pains, achy arms, etc.) and ended up cancelling my other meetings. Rather than heading home i went to A&E to get checked out as I felt fairly scared. They carried out tests, prescribed me medication for acid reflux and i headed home feeling a bit of fool.
Anyway, i am aware that the same time of year is coming around again and i just don't want to end up in the same spiral of decline and i thought that people who may have experienced similar may be able to help.

Apologies for the long wordy story but i find it better to write these things down.

Best to everyone


16-09-10, 21:51
Hi cheesy pete

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
16-09-10, 21:55
A big welcome Pete :welcome:You will find lots of help and support here and make some good friends in the process.x ps-Hope you are called cheesy cos you like EATING cheese....hahaha xxx

cheesy pete
16-09-10, 21:59
I am a big fan of cheese but actually to do with my surname rather than my love of the wonderful diary produce :)

Fly away Katie
16-09-10, 22:03
Welcome to NMP Pete, Hope you find support and comfort here x x x x x:hugs:

paula lynne
16-09-10, 22:04
AAh ...cheeseman? anyway..I digress, have a read up of the topics on your left, under main headings, Im sure it will ring some bells. Nice to meet you Pete :)

Vanilla Sky
17-09-10, 10:30
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

24-09-10, 22:18
Hi Pete, I know how you feel with the achy arms and chest, have only just had ECG and blood tests for heart problems etc.

The symptoms seem to be so random and sporadic not sure I'll ever get a proper full diagnosis. I just worry that I'm actually going crazy and then the fear sets in!! Which in turn makes my chest even worse and then I worry it's my heart, even though I've been told 1,000,000 times that it's not :(
