View Full Version : please help: having palpitations/panic attack, any advice how to calm it down?

16-09-10, 22:39
i have been feeling fine for the last few days, no tingling, no worrying (not majorly), no numbness, no palpitations etc: until tonight.

I started panicking because my dad's blood pressure was high and then we had a disagreement which turned into an argument- throughout the argument I didnt feel any stress or palpitations but now its calmed down I can feel them... the more i feel for them the more it happens and its scaring me :(...

please advise me on how i can make this go?? im becoming increasingly worried and feel overwhelmed by a weird "upset" feeling.... like i want to cry or something... its very strange :( i also feel sweaty, like my bodys vibrating and very frightened. is this a panic attack? i feel very warm too

paula lynne
16-09-10, 22:41
please get a paper bag NOW and rebreathe...put the radio on and listen as hard as you can to the music or what they are saying...do it now:ohmy:

16-09-10, 22:46
follow paula's instructions, anything to take your mind off it. i know it's hard but try your very hardest to ignore what's going on xx

16-09-10, 22:53
its not helping me, im still thinkin about it in the back of my mind wondering if its still happening.... then my heart starts skipping beats. worried im gonna have a heart attack :(

paula lynne
16-09-10, 22:59
you ARE NOT having a heart attack...keep using the bag....breathe from your tummy not your ribs, breathe for 5 breathes take bage off. wait 30 seconds . repeat. anxiety reaches a peak THEN SUBSIDES I promise you sweety you can do this, youe are doing it! you will feel better...put the tv on and REALLY concentrate on what they are saying, keep using the bag. If you have someone there, get them to hold your hand, rub your back, head, or whatever...REPEAT THIS OUT LOUD OR IN YOUR HEAD IF YOU CANT DO TV OR RADIO...."i am loved and i am safe....say it...i am loved and i am safe...i am loved and i am safe....keep using the bag

16-09-10, 22:59
This has happened to me a number of times and it can be quite scary. What I usually do is find a place I feel comfortable with, whether it's lying on my bed or sitting at a dining room table with my forehead resting on my cross arms.

Once I'm there I try to focus all of my energy on my breathing and listening to myself breathe. I inhale for a few seconds, then exhale as though I'm trying to cool down a spoonful of hot soap. It's important for your exhale to be twice as long as your inhale. Try to keep calm and try to find a rhythm to your breathing. Quick, shallow breathing will only make it worse, so really concentrate.

paula lynne
16-09-10, 23:17
How are you doing?? :hugs: