View Full Version : What a rubbish week

17-09-10, 09:12
Afer having 3 decent weeks, I felt like I was beating it!! I know...how stupid was that....:wacko:....But now, I feel a bit like a loser at the mo. I had an anxiety attack with started Sunday night, and apart from Wed, it has still been lurking. I am exhausted!! Why do we get days when we feel ok, then suddenly a rubbish few days? :wacko:

My other half stayed in London over night last night (I stayed with a friend last night) and I do know that I was worried about that coming up, so maybe that kicked it off? Also I got a date for a flexible sigmoidoscopy, that came through this week, so maybe I am being hard on myself, not surprising I have had an anxious few days with those 2 triggers.

Baby steps, Heavenly, take each day as it comes and pat yourself on the back when you get through a difficult day and pat yourself on the back when you have a good day because that is an anchievement as well! :yesyes: Its hard work though!! :scared15:

17-09-10, 09:45
completely understand how you feel, Heavenly, anxiety can be so sporadic at times, always there in the background like some evil little gremlin. I've gone months without anxiety and then it's come back to haunt me for months, the longest I've gone is about 1 and a half years without any kind of anxiety at all. Hope you get the good days back soon, you have had some anxious triggers this week as you say, and anxiety loves those and sits there talking to our sub-consciousness.
Hang in there, it'll subside again :hugs:

paula lynne
17-09-10, 10:03
Hi heavenly, Im sorry your having a rough time off it hun. Yes, anxiety likes to keep us on our toes doesnt it!? Im sure your just having a hiccup and am confident you will feel better soon. One day at a time.....x:winks:

17-09-10, 10:24
completely understand how you feel, Heavenly, anxiety can be so sporadic at times, always there in the background like some evil little gremlin. I've gone months without anxiety and then it's come back to haunt me for months, the longest I've gone is about 1 and a half years without any kind of anxiety at all. Hope you get the good days back soon, you have had some anxious triggers this week as you say, and anxiety loves those and sits there talking to our sub-consciousness.
Hang in there, it'll subside again :hugs:

Wow, one and a half years! That is brilliant. Sounds so far off at the mo as I am a newbie with all this. I had a 48 hour panic attack 5 weeks ago, so am still coming to terms with living with it. Having counselling, am on meds but I know it won't be a quick process but I hate these feelings. :wacko:

I am sitting here at work, I am up straight with my work, I have asked around and there is nothing for me to do. I sit on my own in reception, I am just looking at the clock, I finish at 1.30pm today. I just really need to be distracted when I feel weak, because my thoughts are my enemy when I feel weak. I have even resorted to doing bottom exercises on my chair. What a spanner I am. :blush: Anyone got any tips for distracting myself when its just 'me', I am on my own this afternoon as well.

17-09-10, 11:19
I'm the same today, heavenly...looking for distraction. I'm back at work on Monday where I dont usually have time to "think" about anything, which should be a relief, but today, at home...oh dear. I do a few housy things, then feel rubbish, then go to farmtown, cant concentrate...on an on. Keep feeling that this anxiety is preventing me from "doing" and then I get sort of cross and think, sod it, I will do things...a constant toing and froing in my mind.


17-09-10, 11:24
I'm the same today, heavenly...looking for distraction. I'm back at work on Monday where I dont usually have time to "think" about anything, which should be a relief, but today, at home...oh dear. I do a few housy things, then feel rubbish, then go to farmtown, cant concentrate...on an on. Keep feeling that this anxiety is preventing me from "doing" and then I get sort of cross and think, sod it, I will do things...a constant toing and froing in my mind.


Do you live near me? We can do bottom clenching together somewhere......:yesyes:....that sounded odd, didn't it. :blush::D

Well I have got to 11.25pm, I finish at 1.30pm, other half not home til 6pm...soooo its a lovely sunny day, I may walk into town and have a potter (blimey, I sound about 95)..:wacko:....but yes, that IS a plan!! :D

Hope you get distracted and have an ok day today, hun xxx

17-09-10, 11:37
It might well sound odd, heavenly, but it really made me laugh...can you imagine the scenario...two anxious females frantically bottom clenching to try and distract from their anxiety...we could start a trend :roflmao: I bet you dont live in Cornwall??

Go with your plan, my lovely, it sounds good...in the meantime, i shall try and develop one of my own :unsure:

17-09-10, 13:22
It might well sound odd, heavenly, but it really made me laugh...can you imagine the scenario...two anxious females frantically bottom clenching to try and distract from their anxiety...we could start a trend :roflmao: I bet you dont live in Cornwall??

Go with your plan, my lovely, it sounds good...in the meantime, i shall try and develop one of my own :unsure:

Not far from Cornwall......Worthing. :unsure::D

Well sun has gone in, almost time to leave work, but I shall still go into town and have a peruse, I like that word...peruse. :D

17-09-10, 16:46
Well, I killed a couple of hours in town today, though ended up reading self help, anxiety type books...not sure sometimes if reading too much makes you worse!!

I am home now and other half is back at 6pm. No pressure of being in work for a couple of days and I really hope that I have a better week next week!!