View Full Version : C-word terrors again :(

17-09-10, 12:00
Hello everyone,
Well, I've been doing really well with my HA lately, feeling much more positive etc ... until the last couple of weeks. I have started having a weird achey pain around my right hip (sometimes it feels like it's my back, depending on the position I'm in). It seems to only come on when I'm really tired or if I'm sitting in certain positions and it's intermittent, and isn't there if I stand up or lie down, but I can't stop thinking about it. A couple of months ago I stupidly read an article in one of those awful women's magazines (normally I never ever read these horrible panic-rags but one of the girls left one in the office) about a 14 year old girl who had ovarian cancer, I'm 29 so a bit young to be at risk (none in my family AFAIK) but if a fourteen year old could get it ... and now I am desperately trying not to google because I've convinced myself it must be the c-word (as I do with almost everything). Has anyone else had anything like this? Any advice or thoughts please? I'm getting into such a state over it, it's driving me mad.:unsure:

17-09-10, 12:07
I had terrible hips at one point (I do a lot of running) and it even hurt to lie on my right side. Have the health anxieties I do I rushed to the doctor thinking it was something terrible like you are. It turned out to be a common hip problem which I can't remember the name of now! Take anti imflammatries. Try to relax. At 29 you really are wrong. Also, don't believe silly rags! xx

17-09-10, 14:50
I am going through the same thing at the moment. I am slowly starting to realise mine is stress related. I read an article in a magazine about Ovarian cancer too and it sent me into a tailspin. The last 2 weeks I have been beside myself. I had an exam by my Doctor about 6 weeks ago and was fine but I've bee convincing myself I have ovarian cancer. I am fit, healthy, no family history and only 33. I have IBS too so that complicates it but I am VERY anxious right now so it's only making my symptoms worse. Yours could be wind or anxiety making you feel worse after you read the article. Try to relax, do some yoga or meditation, listen to some soothing music, get your mind on a hobby or something else (that's what I'm trying to do) and see if you feel better. I am not going to Dr Google anymore or read stupid stories, try and do the same and try to stop worrying (easier said than done I know).

Hazel B
17-09-10, 14:56
It could be a bit of inflammation, or aches as you slept on it funny, but anxiety makes us think it's the worst thing ever and incurable! I know, I did this to myself after many scans and tests on my liver and it turned out I have a gallstone. Painful, but not the big "C".
My advice is to ask your GP about it, that's what they are there for AND please stop looking at Google for symptoms, it makes it all SO MUCH WORSE in our heads!

Fly away Katie
17-09-10, 21:34
i have exactly the same thing RIGHT NOW and im only 18....
I think we are fine :) x x x x

18-09-10, 03:31
Thank you so much for the replies everyone, part of me knows I am probably being silly but it's so much easier for us to convince ourselves we are really sick, isn't it? I will keep an eye on it (and try a bit of ibuprofen - thanks busybeingmum!) - I try not to go to my GP because he's very unsympathetic and makes me feel like I'm wasting his time, so I don't really trust him :lac:. I will go if it doesn't sort itself out soon though. And No More Googling!!! Thanks again xxx

Hazel B
18-09-10, 12:09
Hope you're still avoiding Dr Google.
Please ask your practice manager for another doctor if yours is not kind and sympathetic, you deserve to be treated with respect, regardless of your problem.