View Full Version : Anxious about husband's abdo pains

17-09-10, 12:46
Hi - I'm new here. I've had lots of problems in the past with health anxiety (thinking I had anything from MS to various cancers), but thought I was over the worst. I have had real health problems more recently and had to have surgery earlier this year. Funnily enough, my real problems haven't caused nearly as much anxiety as any imagined ones in the past.

The reason I am posting now is that I'm suddenly really anxious about my husband's health. He's been having abdominal pains on the right on and off for quite a while (usually just twinges), sometimes with nausea. He's also been having altered bowel habits (sometimes diarrhoea, sometimes constipation). He was initially wondering if it was IBS, but he's not so sure now. I know he needs to go and see the doctor, but the trouble is, we are supposed to be going on a big holiday in a week's time, to the USA. We've been looking forward to this for ages and feel like we really deserve it after what we went through earlier in the year with my operation and long recuperation.

We have a health insurance policy, of course, but I know that if he sees the doctor before we go, and there are any tests to be done, we won't be covered if he had to see a doctor while we are away (and that would be so expensive in the US). So our plan is to wait until we get back before he gets checked out. We'll be away for 3 weeks, so it would be a whole month before we can see a doctor! Part of me is really worried about this in case there is anything seriously wrong that needs to be looked at straight away. It seems mad to put a holiday above his health in importance, but on the other hand, if I'm blowing it out of proportion (as I usually do) and it's nothing serious, we don't want to jeopardise the trip.

I don't know what to do! I can't stop worrying and thinking the worst!

17-09-10, 13:00
Hi glow and welcome :)

Wow that's a bit of a dilemna isn't it ?

I can't help but suggest that he should pop to the docs first, just to be on the safe side. It sounds like IBS and I am pretty sure it won't be anything more sinister but the wise thing would be to get it checked out (btw I am a man who has had a stomach complaint off and on for 3 months and still not been to the docs ;)).

That said, if he has had it for a while, what's another few weeks?

Such a difficult one to call, but it's really up to your husband to make that decision, know one knows your own body than you.

I hope whatever you decide, you have a great time in the USA :)



17-09-10, 13:01
hi glowworm t does sound like bs and if hes had it a while and it hasnt got much worse it doubt if it will be anything serious get some meds for ibs liuke peppermint oil capsules or buscopan and see if it helps also look on some of the threads about ibs see if it sounds like any of them you will find alot of mine im suffering with it again at the moment hope this helps x

Fly away Katie
17-09-10, 13:04
Im suffering with exactly the same as your hubby, and I'm worried about it but havent been to the docs yet... Keep putting it off! (If it was anything serious, it would have happened by now) x x x

17-09-10, 21:59
I would advise you to look at my last post 'What happens when there's nothing left'
This will give an insight into my abdominal journey over the past 2 years and maybe put your mind at rest a little!

18-09-10, 17:03
Thanks for your advice everyone, and thanks for steering me towards your post, Horse. It's always nice to be reminded that there are people out there with similar symptoms who have had lots of tests already showing nothing sinister. I won't be able to rest easy until he has been checked out (and even then, knowing me, I'm not sure I'll feel completely reassured). At the moment, I just 'know' he has cancer and every little thing seems to point towards the conclusion I've already come to. This health anxiety sucks!

I should point out that I'm not being completely irrational, as he had a grandfather who had bowel cancer (and beat it even in the days before treatments were as good as they are now). I have to keep reminding myself, though, that he's still relatively young (41), so the chances are small. He will definitely go to the docs as soon as we get back. His attitude, by the way, is that he's determined not to worry about it now and to enjoy the holiday, which he really needs and which he thinks will do him the world of good.

Hazel B
18-09-10, 17:22
The tests take a while to process anyway, I've had abdo pain since April
and it took 3 months to get to my first ultrasound scan on the NHS! I was initially told an ulcer but after months it's a gallstone, so different symptoms. I'd lost weight though and really worried so I understand how you feel.
Even if your fella went to the GP on Monday, they would only really send him for bloods, that can take a week to book and a week to come back. I went to A&E once with my pain and they can't do the ultrasound, CT, MRI etc from there anyway.
So, I would say go on holiday, you have insurance and can then deal with the docs when you get back.