View Full Version : Need some huge hugs

17-09-10, 13:50
Hello there this is taking some courage so here goes.
I havent been on here for quite a while but feel i'm needing some support again as i'm feeling very low.
Got so much on my plate,it seems never ending.I just want to get some of it out of my system.
Apart from anxiety and panic attacks and depression i suffer from an illness called fibromyalgia which means i'm in pain all the time,have chronic fatigue,ibs,chronic headaches.Its no fun at all.It also means i cannot work.
I basically feel so let down by life.I'm on my own with two children who i adore and are what keep me here.I split from their dad 8 years ago and have never met anyone else,anyone i have has let me down as have many of my so called friends.
I do wonder if it must be me that has something wrong.I must be a really unlikeable person.
I have no family nearby,my mum is in hospital and i can't get to see her as i can't travel:(
People tell me things get better but in my 42 years its just been more of the same,let downs and major worries.My ex husband tried to take my kids away from me this year through the courts,thats how much he hates me and he was the one that had the affair.
I want to turn my life around but i dont know how.I feel totally stuck.I'm on tonnes of medication.I did have plans to pay to see a pyschotherapist and go for regular massages to ease my pain but yesterday i found out my housing benefit has been reduced by £200 a month which has put paid to that!
All i want is a hug and sopmeone to tell me it will be ok because i really can't see it right now.

17-09-10, 14:14
oh ali big big loves and cuddles for you, please don't get so low, as i find especially having children we only have to get up again. Come in chat and talk to us later, we miss you, you are lovely person.

I send you calmness and understanding,
Crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-09-10, 14:24
Awww, bless you, ali...I'm really feeling for you.

You are going to get through this, in fact you are getting through it now, I'm sending you so much love and huge hugs


Carly Lou
17-09-10, 14:39
Hey Ali, I have a friend who also suffers from fibro.... so i can understand how it must be for you, altho she does join and has alot to do with fibro groups for support etc.... have you done any of that xxx
I am sending you a massive hug... xxx Hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee infact xxx stuff your ex... shitbag.... the lady i know who has fibro... always seems to be going out... enjoying herself... is there other medications you could be on to reduce some of the pain, have you spoken to your doctor about other solutions for it... i dont really know what i am wittering on about but i have read up on alot of it once she told me that she has it xxxxxxxxxxx
Big Hugs Alihud xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-09-10, 18:12
Hi Ali,

I’m sorry...
I sometimes think that life will never get any better either, but I still keep believing that one day it will. And you need to keep believing that it will too :hugs:

It’s so unfair about the benefits. The government gives away £billions of taxpayers’ money – OUR money!! – to banks because they can’t manage they’re business properly (would they help you and I like that!?) then make us pay all over again by raising taxes and cutting benefits.
Screwing the poor to give to the rich :curse: :curse: :curse:

Sorry... I’ve put my soap box away again now.

Hope you’re feeling a bit better :)

17-09-10, 19:14
hugs to you ali ((((((((hugs))))))))

20-09-10, 12:45
Big hugs Ali and stay strong hun xxx