View Full Version : Normal to feel soft little lumps under skin in some spots?

17-09-10, 15:12
If I push on my stomach, or inner thighs, I can feel very small round/oval moveable lumps that feel like fat. They are pea-sized, some smaller. I can feel them all over my stomach everywhere...same on my husband, but less on him. I'm slim. You can't see them, only feel them if you suck in a push, and they feel like they are right under the skin.

Does anybody else feel these? Googling has made me nauseous and in a state of panic! I should never have done that!

I'm panicking, 3 years ago I had a idiopathic (no known cause) case of acute pancreatitis. Since then I've been a serious health anxiety case. It sucks. My mind takes off with me and I tend to relate things to one another in the worst way. So now, I'm wondering if I have had these my whole life or if my pancreas is messed up, not digesting fat, and the fat is getting deposited all over my body under my skin.

I just saw an doctor about something else and when I asked her about these bumps, she said it's just what your insides feel like and since I'm slim I feel them much more easily and that most people would never notice them.

Hoping some readers will see if they have them and let me know,it would really ease my mind.

17-09-10, 15:19
I am thin too. Anxiety and I lose weight.
Anyway....I feel these too and saw other posts where people say it is just fat. I know how can we who are so thin have fat. :-) But there is. I try to think of the same thing I find under chicken skin when I clean it to cook. My husband says think of liposuction. So I am going to believe that. Like you I feel it inner thighs and abdomen.

17-09-10, 19:25
Be thankful you are thin cos if you are overweight like me then you can feel some pretty big lumps under the skin:D I have some in my abdomen that have been there for years and they feel grape sized but they are just lumps of fat:blush:- I can only feel them if I push my fingers down and across.

17-09-10, 19:47
That's how I feel them. Moving my fingers around when I press down a bit.

Rachel W
17-09-10, 23:14
I can too. They are in my abdomen and I sometimes get slightly bigger ones below my rib cage.

18-09-10, 00:03
Ok then....those little lumpy fat spots....solved. No worries.
Wish all our symptoms and "what is that" things were this easy.:D

18-09-10, 01:54
I know it seems stupid but you have no idea the relief your replies have brought me, thank you all for taking the time to "check" and give me your input. My husband has been getting sick of me feeling his tummy all the time, etc!

Very much appreciated, best wishes,


10-03-12, 21:52
I cannot tell you how much this forum has relieved my worries. This quote; "Be thankful you are thin cos if you are overweight like me then you can feel some pretty big lumps under the skin:biggrin: I have some in my abdomen that have been there for years and they feel grape sized but they are just lumps of fat:blush:- I can only feel them if I push my fingers down and across."
described what I feel, and how I feel them, exactly! They are not visible at all. My doctor felt them 2 weeks ago and told me that she could feel a lot of little lumps under my skin and was ordering an ultra sound. When I asked her if that was bad her answer was' "well we will see after the ultrasound." No assurance that it is probably nothing, just we will see. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 22nd, and have been freaking out ever since. reading all the worse case scenarios, etc.. But my gut feeling has been that it is just fat from being overweight. I was so glad to read others here had similar experiences!

10-03-12, 22:01
I discovered lumps all up the back and insides of my thighs a bit over a year ago and really stressed about them. Then a doctor felt them and reassured me it was nothing, that I was just a bit lumpy! They felt like little gristley bits. I also had lots up my arms as well. Had ultrasound on those areas and they said there was nothing wrong.

24-04-13, 14:43
I too can also feel tons of little bumps underneath my skin mainly on my sides, it scares me to death!!! I am such a worry wart!!! I feel them when I run my fingers across my skin and kid of press down.. I seen a doc, she barely looked me over, and said it was fatty deposits.. I will go with that, but would love to get a second opinion! Maybe a scan of my body, just in case!!! :blush:

24-04-13, 20:28
Yep me too

28-01-14, 06:27
I can't tell you how relieved I am after reading this thread. A little over a year ago, I had an emergency gall bladder removal done and just the other day, I noticed a small lump not too far from one of the scars from the surgery. I'll be honest, I immediately started panicking (I'm a high anxiety person). I started to google what it could be and I got everything from cancerous tumor to incisional hernia (which didn't help the anxiety very much). I finally found this thread, along with an article that described fatty deposits. Now that I've read all of your comments and descriptions, I am almost positive this is what it is. And it makes sense, because I have found similar bumps in different locations before (mainly in my arms and around my breasts), but was quick to write them off as fatty deposits. I guess this one's proximity to the scar is what made me consider that it could be something else. Either way, I will rest easier tonight. I'll still bring it up to my doctor at the next check up, but it's not something I'm going to be worrying about until then. Thanks again, everyone :)

28-01-14, 06:28
I can't tell you how relieved I am after reading this thread. A little over a year ago, I had an emergency gall bladder removal done and just the other day, I noticed a small lump not too far from one of the scars from the surgery. I'll be honest, I immediately started panicking (I'm a high anxiety person). I started to google what it could be and I got everything from cancerous tumor to incisional hernia (which didn't help the anxiety very much). I finally found this thread, along with an article that described fatty deposits. Now that I've read all of your comments and descriptions, I am almost positive this is what it is. And it makes sense, because I have found similar bumps in different locations before (mainly in my arms and around my breasts), but was quick to write them off as fatty deposits. I guess this one's proximity to the scar is what made me consider that it could be something else. Either way, I will rest easier tonight. I'll still bring it up to my doctor at the next check up, but it's not something I'm going to be worrying about until then. Thanks again, everyone :)

12-10-18, 11:08
Thank you for this post! I found few bumps under skin of my inner thighs and also on my upper arms.i thinks it is fat buz i wanted someone had the same and can reassure me.i have also cellulite and dont do any sport...so i hope it is really fat deposit.

16-10-18, 15:56
Does anyone have it also on the upper arms?