View Full Version : Freaking out-please hel!!!!!

17-09-10, 19:15
Hey guys. I hope everyone is ok.

I haven't been on in a while because Ive been ok for a while. I was on a three week vacation and had the best time.

But ever since I came home I've been feeling crappy again. I keep getting this sensation and it scares the life out of me!!!

I had it once last week and Now i just got it again at the bank. It's like a sudden overwhelming heaviness in my body from head to toe. It terrfies me and scares the crap out of me. It makes me panicky and I start getting palps and I feel short of breath. I feel like I could collapse. I feel like I have to flee before I make a fool of myslef.

Both times it happened to me when I was out of my house. i'M REALLY SCARED since I'm obsessed with my heart if its me who brings on the palps and short of breath or is it me panicking over this strange sensation.

Please can someone tell me this is just anxiety and they've had a similar sensation. I just had a physical less than six months ago and also had a ton of heart tests. Please what is this? Please not a heart issue

17-09-10, 19:22
Well I have had this usually accompanied by a feeling as if you are going to keel over and no idea what causes it - the other feelings are purely adrenalin surge/panic about the original horrible feeling.

I have ectopic heartbeats all the time for over 20 yrs they are harmless but horrible and sometimes it seems as if this feeling comes at same time as a thudding ectopic so maybe they are connected but not in any nasty way. I have certainly had a falling sensation at same time as bad ectopics.

I hardly need to say that the more you panic after the symptoms the more likely they are to happen again and again and make you fear the palce whre they happened. I have been there with attacks of vertigo due to neck problem and almost ended up housebound with fear many years ago.

You are obviously anxious about your heart- have you had any tests like 24hr ecg or anything as this could put your mind at rest or have you had loads of tests but cannot be reassured??

17-09-10, 19:36
This sounds like adrenaline to me too. I think you will be fine but post as much as you need.

17-09-10, 19:37
I wouldn't say its vertigo. Nothing is spinning. I just feel my entire body feels extremely heavy from head to toe.

As far as tests, I've had 5 ecgs an echo, 2 chest xrays and a ton of bloodwork.

I was in the hosipital earlier this year because of my anxiety and was on a 72 hour heart monitor while laying in bed at the hosiptal.

But this feeling is completely new and it terrifies me.

I do feel like Im going to kneel over as well with this feeling. Its just really scary. Not to mention it makes me feel short of breath, panicky and i get palps.

Is this another anxiety symptom??? Please dont let it be a heart por brain problem. Im only a 20 year old college student who wants a normal life.:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

paula lynne
17-09-10, 20:08
I really think its anxiety. Just when you get on top of it, or at least accept it, BANG it rears its head in a new and exciting way. Im still getting new sypmtoms ten years down the line....dont let that worry you. Im still here! see your gp maybe for reassurance. x:)

17-09-10, 20:27

I can totally relate to your symptoms and your fears. I am 39, married, work full time, have 3 kids and one on the way. I am also taking 2 graduate level classes this semester and I am on the 100 year plan for getting my graduate degree :). I have times when I feel like I can't breathe, that my arms weigh a ton and my heart wants to explode. I get twitches and aches and pains all over. I have been to the ER twice with what I was sure was a stroke, heart attack, brain tumor or neurological disease. I have posted literally hundreds of times on this site and read thousands of posts. I have dealt with anxiety for most of my life and we all trully feel your pain. I sincerely believe that you are in the middle of a bad stretch of anxiety and that you are going to be fine. I know it is hard to believe that anxiety can do all this to you but it can. There are several good drugs out there to help as well as great people on this site that will listen, not judge and help. For now, try to relax, DON'T GOOGLE and take comfort in the fact that you are young and have had lots of test to rule out things. Post as often as you need and be well.