View Full Version : just when it was all going so well??????

03-03-06, 13:29
well hello all,there was i thinkin life was going well,what with going to the shops etc,bot NOOOO!dO YOU EVER FIND YOU ARE LOST SOMEWHERE ,IN YOUR OWN WORLD I MEAN, AND NO ONE UNDERSTANDS??I am one of 5 children with an elderly Mother who happens to drink too much.This began in her 40's due to panic attacks and a nervous breakdown.My two elder sisters have had there phases of panic disorder too[can u see the pattern yet?]So WHY do i feel like they have forgotten how it felt?.They all moved away and live near to each other in lovely houses in beautiful areas,there is only me and my brother still in the vicinity.He is a gem,but we dont see much of each other.Lately Mom took a turn 4 the worse and my brother was really worried ,he see's her every day,bless him.i felt i should tell our sisters,oh how i wish i hadn't bothered!I felt as though i was cornered,u see i past my driving test last June after two years off trying ,only to find i am scared to drive alone,i thought it would free me ,but it has become another source of stress,worry and now guilt as i was made to feel that i should be driving to mom's to help her[i dont think they meant to make me feel so awful]she may as well be on another planet at the moment i simlpy cant do it,i think it would be dngerous,and what if i had a panic at her house and couldn't get home.I am sooo sorry to whinge on every one but iwas so proud and happy with my small achievments and now feel as tho the stuffings been knocked out of me.Thank god 4 all of you and 4 taking the time to listen and not judge me.Bod bless,Mary-Rose.xxxxxxx

03-03-06, 13:43
Hi Mary Rose,

I know it's hard for you right now, and it is awful that your family forget what it was like for them the way it is for you.
they may think that you are a lot stronger than them.
Have you tried getting public transport or walking toyour Mum's? I know some people may find that a stupid thing to ask, but sometimes it may help. Or have you got a friend who can sit in the car with you? Or even, just go for a short drive around the block each day and build it up slowly to get your confidence up.
There may even be a driving instructor who may be able to help you.

I'm sorry hunny, but you will get there!


03-03-06, 14:07
ah thanks looby,but public transport and walking wet ouy the window years ago!That's why i wanted to drive[the control thing]but i do go short distances with a passenger,but cant expect them to always be there to act as a buffer 4 my fear,you are right tho,as a few monthe ago i wouldb't go any where in my car,i had a messive panic during one of mylesons and that started the whole fear circle!As for friends they all fell by the way side as i got this panic disorder,they simply didn't get it so left mr to it,not real friends in my book!thanks 4 your reply it does help honest.xxxxxxx

03-03-06, 14:08
Hi Mary Rose

Your not whinging or whinning Mary, its good you can come on here & speak out on how you are feeling.

Im so sorry this is all happening at once for you, i do know how you feel re feeling cornered & put upon, life at times can be a double edged sword.
As Looby says is there anyway you could maybe try the bus over to see your mum, maybe go with a friend?

Take Care hun sending (((( HUGS ))) tou you.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-03-06, 22:41
Hi Mary

Pleased you have posted and you are not alone in how you feel. I sometimes feel all i do is go on about how i feel but people say i dont it is just me getting paranoid again.

Here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

04-03-06, 18:48
Mary Rose

You keep going with your manageable achievements and do not let this all upset you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-03-06, 20:29
thank you,all of you!you will be glad to know that i have managed to drive back from my mothers!i had someone with me,but hey that's ok!I am now planning to go once a week with my daughter to see her and when I AM READY will go on my own!So peeps you have helped more than you will ever know,God bless you all.Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-03-06, 20:37
Good for you Mary. Congratulations

Great progress and news from you !!


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-03-06, 20:54
Well done Mary-Rose.

Sounds like you have made a sensible plan to deal with this.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

05-03-06, 22:54
Well done hun

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".